Well, it looks like another week has come and gone. It's been really busy for me at work, and then home life has also taken its toll. My daughter has had too much homework, and I have had to help her where I can with some of her math.
We had parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. While my daughter was at the dentist, I went with my son to his parent teacher conferences (Wednesday) and then to piano. After that we finished up conferences just in time to get to Young Men/Young Women. I asked Lance if I was needed because if I wasn't, I needed to run to grab some paper so my daughter could print some of her stuff up on the computer for school. I got home just after my wife did, and then my daughter came through the door and had her homework to do.
Thursday evening, we went to my daughters parent-teacher conferences. I don't know how aware the teachers are of how long my daughter is doing homework, but they all said that she is doing great. Both of my kids are getting good grades, and that is a good thing. We took them to grandma and grandpa Wachs home for the rest of the weekend, since they were out of school on Friday.
Friday, I had my day off from work. I got to work around the house instead. I started out by mowing the lawn and then trimming the edges (they were getting really shabby). I also had to trim up around the garden areas. Since my weed whacker is no longer working, I trimmed them by hand. I got it all looking pretty good. Since this was all done, I grabbed a new blower that I have (it came with a vacuum I bought) and blew away some of the grass. Actually, I still collected a good portion of it because I am not going to blow it into a neighbors yard. It did make it all the easier.
I next had to put on a mask so I could vacuum out our two car garage (it's a three car garage but the third garage has all kinds of junk in it). That took some time, as it hadn't been cleaned quite like this before. In the long run, I'm going to have to do the other garage as well. It would also be nice to get the basement taken care of. My wife is making me wear the mask because she hates to go into Urgent Care when I have major asthma attacks. The one other thing I did was to fill up our 50 gallon drum with some water (we've had it, but I've never taken the time to fill it up).
My daughters furniture came this afternoon, so we had the people from Thomasville setting up her room with all of that. Her room looks beautiful and she is going to love it when she comes home. Hopefully, she'll be able to keep her room clean.
After all of this, I was quite stiff. I wasn't able to relax very long because there was a wedding reception to go over too. I had seen the neighbors preparing for it with five barbecues in their back yard. When we got to the church we saw the results of that. They had a beautiful reception. Decorations were exquisite, and the food was immense, and wonderful. There was everything from pork to chicken (as well as some sushi - it was made with rice though). There were desserts galore. I went away from there with a belly that was too full (and my belly is quite large). I couldn't even walk the dog, I was so full.
Saturday morning came and went. My wife and I went for a drive in the mountains to see the leaf changes. We went up into Brighton, and then over Guardsman pass. The trees seemed to be past their beautiful stage, and we just saw deadness (I don't know if that is a word, but it's the word I'm using). We headed toward Midway from there and got into some beautiful areas where the colors were vibrant. Continuing on, we headed to Cascade springs, where we wandered through the foliage there. One of the kids in front of us was scared because the burned trees reminded him of the haunted forest in The Wizard of Oz. Continuing on our path, we went through the Alpine loop, and then down into Provo. We then headed on home. We finished up General Conference at home (we had listened to it in the car) and then I called my in-laws to make sure my son would be going to General Priesthood meeting. I also asked if Grandpa Wach was going and was told that he would be. That was a surprise.
I headed over to pick up my son and my father-in-law, and then went to my dads house to pick him up for General Priesthood Meeting. Brig Wagstaff looked completely shocked to see my father-in-law there. He has never been to one of these in all of his 80 years (well he's turning 80 next Saturday). He also had his hand shaken by another person who is in his ward.
My son had to write down some of the things that was happening in conference for his seminary class. When the prophet talked he went to a song called "Rise up O' Man", and I told my son that was what he needed to write down. When I looked, he had written "Rise up Old Man". We had a great chuckle over that one.
After that session was over we headed over to Arctic Circle to pick up some shakes and malts. Our order was messed up a little bit, but we headed home with it that way anyway. Not too much was said and then I took my son and his grandfather on home.
Anne and Ashley were completely shocked that Rod had gone with us to conference. It was something they didn't think they would see. I guess my son had invited him to come again, and my daughter jumped on his bed and woke him up before conference as well as helped pick out his clothes to go. There really isn't much he won't do for those two kids of mine.
I helped Anne out a little bit with some of her Palm stuff, though I don't know why she wasn't able to see some pictures that she has put on her card. I may have to do some research on why that is happening.
On the way home from there, I had to pick up some Penne Pasta and a few other things for a Pasta Salad my wife wanted to make. It's quite good. You make up the Penne Pasta and then marinate it overnight in Italian dressing, then you add in some fresh zucchini, yellow squash, and broccoli (we forgot the broccoli but it was good anyway) and red onions. I think some more Italian dressing is poured over the whole thing. Anyway, I enjoyed eating it.
Moving onto today. I woke up, read the paper and then watched conference. My wife finished making the pasta salad, and got ready to go over to my parents house which is a tradition for general conference. My kids called and said they would walk on over to my parents house. Anyway, we weren't the first people to my parents house, which is quite unusual. Almost the whole family was there. Tyler announced his engagement that happened yesterday and introduced us all to his fiance' as well as her two sisters (who were there). Alan and Karen had their girlfriend and boyfriend (respectively) and there were just a lot of people there. We had a potluck dinner, cleaned up and were ready to watch conference. Since there are so many people there, I sat outside on the porch and listened to conference from there (it gets too hot in the house). I checked up on my son and daughter a few times, and we had a good time. My wife went to her moms house to watch conference because there is much less noise and confusion there than we have at my parents house because of all the people (especially the little ones).
We finally headed out of there, picked up the kids clothes and came on home. My daughter immediately announces that she has some homework (we're back to that again). She was excited to see her room and thought it was great. We all got involved in helping my daughter out with her homework rather than having a relaxing evening.