Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Part of Thursday was spent with me finding out if there was a place available to stay up in Midway that was reasonable. I did finally get to the Zermatt hotel. I was able to get the place for $99 a night. The decision was to stay Friday through Monday at noon. Of course there would be resort taxes and all of that on top of the $99. I also asked work for Monday off.

The kids were home from school both Thursday and Friday. My son stayed over at his friends house Thursday evening for his friends birthday. On Friday, we went out looking for a little portable dog house for a reasonable price. We finally found it at Target (where we had to go for a birthday gift card anyway). We grabbed a little bit of breakfast and then went to pick up our son. The trip up to Lime Canyon was uneventful, and nice.

We got to the cabin, and visited with my in-laws for a time. While my daughter was with her grandmother, she asked what happened to the diamond in her ring. It was (and remains) lost. My mother-in-law was in tears (and who could blame her). This was her second ring and was given to her by an aunt. The first ring was lost a long time ago when a son (and this was unknown to Margaret until just a few years ago) took her ring to elementary school to give to his girlfriend. The teacher saw it with the girl and took it away from the girl because she was too young to have a diamond ring. Unfortunately, the teacher kept the ring. Years later, Jeff tried to find the teacher to do something about the ring, but she was nowhere to be found. Anyway, my mother-in-law took this as a bad omen. We went to a little convenience store to buy some milk and a few other odds and ends, and the total came to $6.66. The clerk asked us to buy something else because the mix of the day and this amount didn't bode too well to her. We laughed it off and left. No other luck (good or bad) happened to us on today.

We got back to the cabin and called to see if Pam and Anne were going to come up today or tomorrow. It looked like they would come up tomorrow, so we went to the Zermatt hotel and went swimming. We stayed there for a little more than an hour and went back to the cabin. Pam and Anne were able to make it up later in the evening. My wife and I left our kids at the cabin (even though our daughter had a migraine and was throwing up) and went to our hotel room. My wife is worried about her tonight as we are getting ready to go to bed.


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