Sunday, October 08, 2006

80th Birthday Party

I failed to mention last week that we had received a phone call from the Executive Secretary from the ward inviting my wife to meet with the bishop on Tuesday evening. This had the effect of putting terror into my wife as to what it is that the bishop would want. Is it a new calling? What could it be? We talked a little bit about it, and it caused my wife to have a couple of days of very little sleep.

Nothing much happened Monday (at least worth reporting), but then Tuesday came along. We went in to meet with the bishop, and he called my wife to be the Young Women secretary (they still call it Young Womens which drives me nuts). My wife gave her concerns of not knowing how to turn on the computer let alone taking care of those kind of details. She has expressed a desire to take a class or two (if she must) to learn a few basics. Of course she would rather take a wood working class. I told her that I could probably teach her enough to get her by in her calling. We'll see if she will let me. She has been with the cubscouts for such a long time, I think it is a good time for a change such as this will be.

Wednesday came and went. Of course, we had Young Men, where we went over some of the requirements for the Physical Fitness merit badge. That didn't go down very well. The boys were restless and we had a bunch of them there. We barely kept control of them.

Thursday I picked up a bunch of chairs from my moms house as well as from my in-laws home. We had to get ready for the big 80th birthday party for my father-in-law on Saturday. I helped to set up the chairs and the tables in our home that night. My good wife has been busy cleaning and making sure that everything is set up just perfect. I have helped where I could, but have been lacking in some of that help.

Friday was a retreat for the IT department. We went out to Boondocks and had meetings from about 8:00 until around 2:00. At that time we were able to go into the arcade and out to play on the various things at boondocks. Most of us started out on the Go-carts. That was more fun than I thought it would be. They don't move very fast though. After a bit of that, I went in and tried out a flight simulator. It was harder to fly the plane than I thought it would be, and we had a good time doing barrel rolls and such. I also played some skee-ball, and had a good time. I let a little girl (probably around 2) try to throw some of the balls up the ramp. I left around 3:30 to get home and help my wife with some of the things that need to be done at home for this birthday party, after giving all of my tickets to some little guy.

I arrived home just in time to see my kids getting into the car for piano lessons. My wife couldn't find her shoes, so I took them to piano lessons. We took care of the shopping for the birthday party while our kids were in piano lessons (barely making it in time to pick them up). My wife did some cooking and preparing the dishes for the party. I had to go pick up a few more things at the store to keep things running smoothly.

Saturday came along, and there were some final preparations for everybody to come over at 1:00. My mother-in-law and father-in-law came early (as expected). They told us that Pam and Anne would also be early (they were actually about 15 minutes late) to take care of the drinks. Ray and Linda came as well as Gladys, Randy and Chelsea. We talked with them for a bit, and then finally started up the eating part. There was tons of food. A little later Stephanie came with her kids as well as Heather with her kids. Shane didn't come because he was out hunting, and Raymond didn't come because he is a workaholic. Time went on. People were eating, and chatting with each other. We finally got a call from my wife's uncle who was lost along with his daughter and her husband (in two separate cars). They weren't too far from my home and I directed them how to get to it. Some of these people had never seen our home and we had told our kids to have their rooms clean (and they were clean Friday night) so that some could look through it. To my wife's embarrassment, my sons room was a regular mess when she showed it. How can they do that in just a half a day? Oh well, life goes on.

People stayed at our home till around 6:00. Of course the balloons all got taken out with people making funny voices because of the helium. Rod got sung happy birthday to with munchkin type voices. Some helped me to clean up some of the chairs and tables in my home. I believe a good time was had by those who came.

My son and daughter locked themselves into Pams car so that they could go and stay with them for the night. We allowed that to happen. We put the house back into order (somewhat) and finally relaxed for a bit.

Today came along, and we slept in. We did need to get over to the church for Sacrament meeting for my wife's name to be read over the pulpit and have her sustained. It was a spiritual meeting today. The testimony meeting started off with a bunch of kids going up and bearing their testimonies. They were not your average kids testimonies (for the most part) but rather seemed to be from their hearts. Allie (a downs syndrome girl of about 12 or 13) got up and bore her testimony with her sister helping her. I didn't understand one word of what she said, but man alive, did I ever feel the spirit there during that testimony. It was the sweetest testimony of the day (in my opinion).

The Peeblers had a baby blessing today (at the beginning of the meeting) and because of this they put an interpreter up front to sign to them what was going on in the meeting (there were at least two hearing impaired or deaf people there). I have always thought it is interesting to see signing going on. During the passing of the sacrament there was a scream from a child sitting right in front of me, and then our autistic child did some more (from the back). I noticed that the interpreter told those who couldn't hear it about the yells. I also watched some in the family talking back and forth between themselves. The church was more quiet today than I have ever heard it be.

We went home from church and grabbed some stuff to eat. We then headed back to the church for my wife to be set apart in the bishops office. That was a nice experience and also was pretty darn spiritual.

Once again we went home, and then my wife had to go to a meeting about the Trek that they are all taking this coming summer in Wyoming. That should be a fun trip for the youth.

After my wife arrived home, we went out to Bountiful to pick up our kids and have dinner at Pam and Annes. My wife always worries about my allergies and my asthma when I am there with their two dogs. Nothing happened this time, and I was feeling quite good. We had a nice visit, grabbed our kids and came back home. The day is now done.


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