Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Friends of Scouting

At work on Monday, I found that there was quite a bit that didn't happen that was supposed to coming from Risk management. It seems that most of our stuff happened as it should, and that, mostly, the failures that were had were from elsewhere. We did have to change things last minute (because they told us last minute of changes needed) and did so without testing. Well, some of those didn't work the way they should have. When there is no time to test, this is to be expected. Thankfully, everything that I had to do, seemed to go without a flaw (including some last minute changes that I had made). I spent yesterday and today at work looking at various things that people thought was wrong in the data warehouse, but they were all right and correct. We are still waiting for a file from Doug (that was supposed to be to us on Sunday evening) and have seen nothing of it.

Not too much was going on Monday evening, so my wife decided that she would take off from the family and let us fend for ourselves. She needs to get out more and do more things for her. She needs this time away from the family, and I am glad to step in and try to run the house as efficiently as she does.

Tonight, my wife had to go to a pack meeting with the Cub Scouts. Since I am busy tomorrow night, and time is running out for my wife and I to get out and collect money for the friends of scouting, I grabbed my son and we went to the neighbors begging for money. I absolutely hate doing this, but it is something that needs to be done. My son has been a good sport to come around with me. One door, I asked a 12 year old kid that was working in the yard if his parents were home. He told me his mother was. I rang the bell. I asked a little boy if his mom was home and just got a nod. Will you go get her. Again, a nod. He just stood there. Finally, he went upstairs. Knowing what I know now, I don't think he understood a word I said.

As mom came to the door, the twelve year old came up behind me. I gave my spiel, and she started talking gibberish (to me) to her son. He asked me to repeat it. I did, and he translated what I said into this gibberish. In the long run, they did not want to donate because they give to their own church group for the youth. I understood this. I asked the kid where they were from, and was told that they came from Russia. Anyway, that was the only interesting thing that happened while collecting money from the neighbors. Most gave, and some said they would bring it over in a day or two. I still have a few doors to hit that were not home.


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