Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Copperton Park

Work has been keeping my quite busy these days. I haven't had much time to do anything at work (including lunch). We are getting ready to convert a bunch of stuff and put it all into production. This weekend is going to be a test run to see how smoothly things will go when we do it at the first of the month.

Work aside, I do have a personal life. We got our kids to piano lessons tonight and then got them back home just in time to have a hurried meal of hot dogs before having to be at the church at 6:30. It was the deacons quorum that had to plan the combined activity this time and we decided to have us all go out to Copperton Park for a testimony meeting. That changed soon enough to more of a fireside. It turns out that Lance knows Dean Burgess (he has worked with him) and was told that generally the general authorities don't talk to small groups, but for you (Lance) I will do anything. He is the first counselor in the General Young Men.

We got out to the park around 7:00 and then heard Elder Burgess speak. He let us know of the prophets love for each of us, and talked about things that are in the For the strength of Youth pamphlet. He really talked a lot about temptation and avoiding it. Of course he also made sure each person realized that the atonement is there for those mistakes that we do make. He challenged each of the kids there to read one chapter a night in the pamphlet, just before prayers. Keep these things in the top of your mind so you can remain pure. Keep the chains of Satan from binding us. Anyway, he did a good job.

After he spoke, the bishop said a few words and then Lance was asked to talk to us briefly. Lance did a wonderful job of talking with the youth and letting them know that they need to stay on the straight and narrow. He feels that he is one of the lucky ones that got on the wrong path, and has been able to come back and start new. After 20 wasted years, he is starting over (at the beginning of this year he got to the temple). After disfellowshipment, he is back, and he doesn't want to waste another minute. He also did a wonderful job.

I then headed over to some charcoal and lit the fire. We roasted marshmallows and had smores as a treat. There were over 60 youth that attended this from our ward. Heaven help us if everybody shows up to one of these activities.

After arriving home and reading the presidency message in the pamphlet, we said our family prayer, I took the dog for a walk. As I was coming around to our home again, I noticed that my neighbors light was not on that has been on for quite awhile (we were pretty sure they are out of town). As I looked closer, I noticed that their front door was wide open. I took the dog home, and my wife and I went over to look a little bit. These neighbors have been really closed and have not gotten to know anybody in the neighborhood. One of the neighbors even asked me if they were actually living there. Anyway, I called the police. They of course stick to the side of the house calling in to see if anybody is home. After a few calls in, they went in to investigate. It looks like they are moving out, was the report I got from the police. It is a new home, and they have only lived there for about two months. He's the one that I got in a slight altercation with when I stayed home from work (before the house was completed). Anyway, we won't be sad to see them go. My wife pointed out that in the last six months, this is the third time that we have called the police. Two of those times have been dealing with my neighbors house.


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