Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I had to go into work today after a long weekend. That is never any fun. When I got there, I found that some of my jobs had gone down with sort memory errors on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Paul had fixed them on each of those days. Nothing was done to correct the error, but for some reason, the same thing did not happen today. We are putting that one up to weird and have not found a reason they should be dyeing in that way in the first place. As the day ended, I got some sort errors, so I believe the same thing will happen tomorrow as well.

I hoped for a relaxing evening at home, but this wasn't about to happen. We went out to eat at a fast food restaurant and then came home. I was watching TV when Brother Russell called. He was wondering about pictures from the Scout camp. I didn't think I had very many of the boys and told him so. He told me not to worry about it. Of course, he called back again and asked if I could get a CD of pictures to him. I did that. There were actually 36 pictures on the CD. He was going to print them off so we have pictures at the court of honor tomorrow night.

In the process of getting these pictures out, I headed to his home. Nobody answered the door, so I went to Walmart where he had called from. They weren't there either. I was coming home, and could see his car in my driveway when two cats ran out into the street in front of me. I swerved and braked to miss them, but heard and felt the thump, thump as I ran one over. I don't much like cats, but I certainly don't like to kill them in this way either. I went home to hand over the CD I had created, and then got back into my car to find out what to do with the cat. I wasn't sure whose it was, but it was definitely dead. I went to the Beans house to ask them if it was their cat. He told me know and pointed out the house of whose cat it was. It was the Blakes cat. I went to their door.

It's never easy telling somebody you just killed a pet of theirs. I was at the door, and Sister Blake came out. I told her I had hit her cat. She looked at me and said, "Is it.... " After a bit of a pause, I said, "Yes, it's dead". I was extremely sorry. She was in shock. I don't ever know what to do in cases like this. I talked to her a bit, and her shock was showing quite a bit. She came out, opened her garage and got on some shoes. She had told me she was OK, and I was walking away, but turned to see her crying. I went over and gave her a brotherly hug. She said she would be OK. I asked if I needed to clean it up for her, and at this point her husband came out. She told me that he would be able to clean it up. Thanks for stopping by and telling them as most would've simply driven on. It was better to know what happened than coming out to see it in the road and wondering. Well, I felt kind of awful. I mean, there was nothing I could do about it. It was an accident, but it was somebody's beloved pet. She had had the cat for years (according to her). I felt bad, and with that, headed home. I guess I was partly in shock too, but more for the pain that I had been a part of for somebody else.

Later tonight, I walked the dog. I stopped to talk to some of our neighbors for awhile. They are getting ready to put in their yard. I didn't realize how much time had passed, but my wife had been out looking for me because I was on the walk longer than normal. Anyway, that is my day.


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