Monday, July 17, 2006

Talks and stuff

Yesterday was Sunday. I was the only leader with the Deacons quorum. I had no idea that would be happening, but it's what happened. Thank goodness they were pretty well behaved. It made it that much easier. Taylor gave the lesson and did a pretty good job. We gave next weeks lesson out to Justice.

In Sacrament meeting, we sat up front so that we could hear my daughter speak. Our ward is one of the loudest wards I have ever been in. It's not just the many children. It's the adults too. My daughter did a great job on her talk, and we were quite proud of her. She didn't show her nervousness.

After coming home we got a call. I keep on telling my family not to pick up the phone when the caller ID says "Church of Jesus" on it. It was the bishop. He said that my daughter seemed to be a natural at talking. I agreed with him (it just usually happens in the pews instead of the podium). Actually, she is a natural in public settings. He then extended to me the same opportunity for next week. The topic is on stregnthening the family. I told him I would do it, but don't expect the stellar performance my daughter gave. Actually, I don't even know where to begin with this topic. There's just too much that you can do. I prefer narrower topics.

We talked with my son who went to North Carolina. He is doing well. They were traveling with Eileens family from South Carolina and a wedding. It was about 1/2 hour after we hung up that another call came that the caller ID said "N Carolina". My wife was nervous that it would be the police calling and telling us about a car accident. It wasn't. Instead it was Michelle Smith. She and her husband are friends of ours who moved to North Carolina last year. We found out that we were staying at a hotel about 10 minutes away from where they were when we went there for my brothers funeral. It's too bad we didn't know where they were while we were there. Anyway, my wife had a good conversation with her.

I also talked with my daughter in Florida. She is flying today to California for a wedding. She also was asking for some money for a dentist while she is in California. I just don't know that I can come up with money to help her out on that at this time. We still need to send some money to her mother for the other dental visits she has had.

My wife and I stayed up too late watching Footloose on TV.

This morning came way too early. I didn't want to come into work and when I got into work and found all the problems that had happened, I really didn't want to be at work. I only got a few things done today. There is one problem that is frustrating me at the moment that I am going to have to talk with Darin about to see if he has a solution. I was tired when I got home tonight and fell asleep on my wife's lap on the couch for a few minutes.

Even though it was hot out, I went outside with my daughter and played a few games of horse with her. She is a better shot than I thought she was, and I did better than I had for a long time too. That was nice to be out there with her.


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