Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Monday, I got to go to work. It was an uneventful day there. I did get my palm set up with Wi-Fi and played on the internet for a little while (not a lot because my battery was almost dead) and basically wore down my battery for it's first full charge. I am going to need to wear it down another time or two and give it full charges from here. When I came home, I found that my son was completely packed and ready to go. There were a few things that we had to have taken care of, but, for the most part, my wife made sure that he was ready to go.

We had some dinner and took care of a few things and then headed to Bountiful and my brothers house. We got there at 8:00 PM and were all ready for the swimming party. The kids jumped in the pool, and my wife and I just kind of enjoyed watching them and visiting with some of the people who were there. Jim and his wife from North Carolina (he was the one that took care of all of the family after the death of Randy) came to this party as well. It was nice that they could be here. As a matter of fact he also made sure that we had permission slips ready for our sons to go to Youth Conference while they are in North Carolina (an 8 stake ordeal).

After swimming, we went up the hill on my brothers property (it's a big lot he owns) so that we could watch the fireworks that would happen on a golf course. It was an enjoyable show. We stayed at my brothers house till about an hour after the fireworks ended so we wouldn't run into the traffic from them (we still got caught in a little bit of the traffic jam).

My niece brought her daughter to the party with chicken pox. This was disturbing because nobody knew that she had chicken pox, and my two kids have not had chicken pox, nor have they had shots to keep them from coming on. If my son gets them, he will be in North Carolina when he gets them, and it just makes the summer a bit difficult. Hopefully, nothing will happen that way. Time will tell.

We sent my son with my brothers family so he and his cousin can get to the airport nice and early and we don't have to get up to get them there.

I had the day of on Tuesday the 4th of July for obvious reasons. I got out as early as I could drag myself out of bed to mow the lawn. I had to stop and talk with two of my neighbors while I was doing this chore, but it was OK. Just idle chit chat. After all of that, I kind of relaxed around the house for a bit doing small things here and there. I also played on my Palm and computer for a good portion of the day. My computer had received some viruses, that it caught, but they seemed to be coming from one particular program. I got rid of that program and a few other things got cleaned up. I screwed up Adobe Acrobat, so I had to reload that. My wife wasn't happy with me for spending so much time on the computer. I also did a little bit of vacuuming and general clean up of a couple of rooms.

Around 4:00 we headed out after finding out if my son had actually made it to North Carolina. He was there, and that made us feel better. It is his first time of traveling without us. We next headed out for my in-laws home. We had a potato bar for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious. There was a birthday cake (brownie) for me, and we visited (watched TV) for quite awhile. There was pre-fireworks and then the fireworks. My daughter got to light all of the fireworks which helped make her feel grown up. We got home pretty late.

Today, I went into work. There were a few things to do, but not a lot. After arriving home, I went outside to take care of our garden area. It was a lot of hard work for me, and I was grateful to have that garden claw. We had a bunch of dirt that wasn't distributed evenly over the terrible dirt. I mixed some grass into it and did it all by hand. It was later that my neighbor told me that I could borrow his tiller (timing is everything). We visited with Randy and Therese for quite awhile and then had to get home when April and Wade came over to give us instructions for taking care of their dog next week. My daughter will do it while she is home, but when she goes to camp, we'll be stuck with it. It will be an opportunity for her to receive some money for some work.

We went on a nice walk tonight as well. The weather was perfect for that. It was a nice evening (other than the work).


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