Monday, June 26, 2006

Squeakers Death

Yesterday was Sunday. Soon after we woke up, my wife noticed that Squeakers (the guinea pig) had died during the night. This is kind of sad for her, as she sits and pets her every morning. I was still tired from the trip, and had a hard time going to church, but I did get there. Not too much of interest happened at church though.

After church, I had to bury Squeakers. My wife thought I was cruel for wanting to just throw her in the trash. Instead, I had to dig through rocks and such to get her deep enough on our property so we won't dig her up at any other time. At least that was taken care of. We just relaxed for the rest of the day.

Today I had to come into work. It seems there was only one problem while I was away, and I am still working on getting a solution to that problem. It looks like I will have to work on it tomorrow as well. There really isn't anything to say, so I won't bore you with any more details of the day.


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