Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The normal things happened at work. There were problems and I fixed them. Then there were even more problems. I guess that is what keeps me in a job. And, I am grateful for my job.

After arriving home tonight, we got together and headed out to the Franklin Covey field to see the Bees play against Fresno. The Bees lost by one point, but it was a fun game. We had the tickets because I had won them at work by making a basket. It was in the suite, so we had nachos, hot dogs, pasta salad and other goods. That's the only way to go to the game. All you can eat, and then some. The suite was crowded. There were less seats than people outside. We all kind of took turns outside or some of us sat on the steps.

I got a note about Randy today from my parents. There was a symposium that he was supposed to speak at tomorrow. Of course it is still going on, but they are taking 15 minutes of it as a memorial to my brother. They are also going to have a new garden at a new building of the University named The Randy Rose Memorial Garden, and they are getting together with his wife to see what kinds of plants and flowers he would want in there. This is a nice gesture on the schools part.

Anyway, nothing more to report.


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