Sunday, June 04, 2006

Family Reunion

Yesterday was our annual family reunion. We started out at 10:00 at the gate to Mount Aire. I was in charge of making sure everybody signed in and wore name tags (color coded). This didn't take too long. Of course then comes the hike. There is a long one (not as long as it used to be) and a short one. Of course during the hike you are looking at rocks so that you can go back for the rock contest. You may color the rocks or just find rocks that are in a particular shape. Prizes are given out liberally for the various kinds of rocks found. I went on the "long" hike. Though I didn't really want to go any further than we did, I do remember the days when we went to the top of the mountain. Nobody seems to want to do this anymore, even the young ones. As a matter of fact, my son and those around his age stayed at the cabin and played pool instead.

We get back from all of that, and there is lunch. My kids completely messed up the cooler. I had it somewhat organized and they just took things out and put them back in, and made a huge mess. It will be harder when we get to dinner.

Volleyball is next with teams that are too big and then you get those who forget it is just a friendly family game and get too competitive. We tone them down somewhat when they figure that part out. There are wise cracks all around as to BYU vs U of U during the game. We then do some basketball. Same thing. We play speed. When a big guy gets out a little guy there is the usual booing that happens. All in all, we have a good time.

Later still, there are nail pounding contests, Balance beam contests, fish pond and bubble gum blowing contests. Still you can't forget the hoola hoops and many other things going on. Not too many people got into the arm wrestling this year. We did get more people into the blowing a matchstick across a plate than we have in previous years. This is where you get two people down by a plate of water to blow the matches across and when you say go, you slap the water soaking both participants. We can only do this to newcomers for obvious reasons, and usually don't get to do it twice. In this case there were people who weren't paying attention to what was happening and we got to do it three times.

Then there is general goofing off, and dinner happens. My wife made it up just a little bit before we had dinner. There is a campfire, and family skits are done. After the skits we had a candle lighting ceremony (but we used glow sticks). This tells of my grandparents as the lights to all who are here. They light their childrens candles, and on down, so that all have a candle. This went well, but it wasn't dark enough outside yet.

We cleaned up and finally headed home around 9:30 PM. It was a long, but fulfilling day.

Today, was church. I found out that while I was gone, we got a new deacons quorum presidency. There was a lesson given by one of the deacons but I still can't figure out what he was trying to accomplish with the lesson. We salvaged it somewhat. Of course, being the first Sunday of the month, it was testimony meeting for Sacrament meeting. I bore mine, and my daughter was a bit upset because she chose to go out to the restroom just before I got up and did it. She did hear some of it though. That's about it.


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