Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well, it's been a week since I have posted anything in here. Mostly because not too much has happened all week (at least out of the ordinary). I go to work, I come home, I do more work at home, I go to bed, and then start my day over again. Kinda blase'.

I mean I was home on Friday, and ran a few errands, and then Saturday was just yard work all day. I didn't think of sun screen until I had a slight sunburn on my neck. My weed wacker has a broken piece to it and I was a bit upset about that, but this too shall pass.

Today, I finally got around to my hometeaching. I have not been doing that at all, and I really should've been doing it. I have no good excuses, though I'm sure I can come up with some excuses as to why I haven't done it. It is mostly laziness. It's kinda sad, because I do have a testimony of hometeaching (obviously not a strong enough one). Anyway, I grabbed my son and we went to two families. This was my sons first experience of hometeaching. Hopefully, we'll keep it up, and he will have many more. The people I home taught recognized me, and just kind of said, so that's who you are! I don't know if that is good or bad. It just is.

It felt good to get the hometeaching done, and I will have to complete my repentance by not putting it to the side again.

Now, you know why I have not put anything in here all week. Like I said, not much to say!


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