Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lake Powell Trip

I'm going to try to recap the week here of what has been going on.

Sunday, we skipped church. I know we shouldn't have, but we just weren't prepared enough to go on this Lake Powell trip without doing so. We were ready by about 12:30 and headed out. We did decide to go to dinner for Fathers Day at TGI Fridays. It was a good dinner, and then we started the trek for Powell.

There were only a couple of stops that we made on the way there. One in Price, and the other in Hanksville. We noticed a car in front of us after Hanksville that looked a lot like my parents car, so I honked and passed them up waving. My sister-in-law was in front of them.

Of course, unloading is a real pain, but we were able to do that in pretty good time. I, of course, was sweating quite badly as I sweat even if I think about work. My brother came a bit later and we were all there before 9:30 PM. All 26 of us. We slept in the slip at BullFrog Sunday Evening.

Morning comes early when my brother wants to move out. We left the slip about 6:30 AM to go to Escalante in the houseboat. My brother really likes the area of Escalante, and that is usually where we go. The water is up about 27 feet from where it was last year. The whole landscape has changed. We found a spot, but it wasn't the best spot for the slide off the back of the boat. There was only a little over six feet of water at the back end of the boat. That is where we made our home though.

On the first banana ride, my son put his chin into his cousins head and had a big goose egg from that. It was all of 2 inches in diameter. I teased him about being hurt from head to toe. He wasn't enjoying his time too much. That was after just a couple of minutes on the banana (a dangerous water toy). There was an old lady run on the banana of which my brother promised not to knock anybody off (he blames it on the women). My mom, from my understanding, had a look of sheer terror on her face as she is afraid of any water that she cannot stand up in (and have her face above water). She was excused from further water sports. Being 76 years of age she can get away with it. Of course, we milled around a bit and just enjoyed being out there. There wasn't a lot of time for the watersports because we only had one speed boat and like I said, 26 people.

Tuesday was another day of rest and relaxation. I did get out on the tubes and am going to be really stiff from that. There was a point when I thought I got about 2-3 feet of air on the tube, but the boat said I got about 5 feet of air. I landed twice just fine, but the third time knocked me off. They all had a look of concern on their faces when they came to pick me up. I stayed out a bit longer on the tube and enjoyed trying to hang on. I told everybody that I did my barrel roll when I tipped over, since my body is shaped like a barrel, and I rolled around. They tell me that doesn't count. My son got up on a wake board for his first time (despite that darn toe).

Wednesday came and went. More relaxation, and more water sports for various people. My son also messed up his toe again when they were playing scum (a card game) and he went to go down the slide and stubbed it on the ladder. The poor kid. I forgot to mention, he also had a major sunburn from his day at the water park that we were fighting (he didn't tell us about that either). We also took 6 people back who had to get home for various reasons and picked one up on the dock (now there are 21). One of the things that we did was with the boys who went out to an area for a hike. There was a rope to climb. My son couldn't climb too well because of his foot. The excuse I used was that I needed to stay back with him (I actually think I would've been able to make it, as I attempted some of it but then stopped because there was nobody there if I got hurt).

My oldest brother has scleroderma. He went up the rope but it was extremely taxing on him. He had a really hard time getting up the rope, but got banged up a lot and got angry. He was going to make it if it killed him. At one point, he had wrapped the rope around his hand, and then was left hanging by the rope with his hand. That would hurt a lot for one without the disease that he has let alone him. He did get up, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. He lost his watch in the first pool (up the first part of the rope). I got in that pool. It was about chest deep on me. I felt around with my feet for about 1/2 hour and found his watch. It had a deep scratch on it, but other than that it was fine. The women started to worry about us because we were gone a long time. The others headed up another area that they had to free hand climb the rocks and then come down on the ropes. My youngest brother showed us all how to do testicular rappelling later (ouch). I guess he doesn't have to worry about kids anymore.

Thursday, I did some water skiing. My daughter was not able to get up and gave up trying to get up. She really wanted too, but it just wasn't in the stars. I was water skiing longer than I thought would be possible. In the afternoon, we went sight seeing (all 21 of us on the speed boat) and had an enjoyable time. We did go back to the place where we had been the previous day, but nobody went up on the climb again. There was more skiing and stuff for the rest of the day.

The speed boat was making a strange noise, so there wasn't going to be any more activity on that. Friday morning, early, we pulled anchor and headed back. This trip we didn't have anything too major go wrong. That makes it nicer than the other years. The propellers were a bit out of line and we tried to get back into the slip. My youngest brothers hand got squished between the houseboat and the slip. We were able to take care of it, and it doesn't look like anything got broken. His hand is quite sore though. We stopped in Hanksville at Blondies (like we do every year) to eat lunch. Then we headed home. One more stop just before Price. It is good to be home.

Today, I have tried to recuperate. As I am getting older, I am finding that my body just doesn't recuperate as easily. I can't lift my arms much higher than my head, so I won't be doing that. There were odds and ends to take care of, and we did that. We picked up the guinea pig and the dog. Not too much more to say.


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