Saturday, June 17, 2006

Youth Conference

Before anybody wonders, I did not go to Youth Conference, but my son did. Youth Conference started with Thursday evening (well, that part I did go too). The 12 and 13 year olds were invited to participate in Thursdays events. My son had hurt his big toe really bad. He stubbed it in morning, and didn't tell my wife. They then went to my wifes parents home, where he continued to try to keep it a secret, until he finally came upstairs and asked for a bandaid. I guess he had spent a good portion of the morning stopping the blood with tissue in the basement. We can't believe he wouldn't come to us and tell us about it, but that's what he did.

Anyway, back to Thursday evening. My son had a sore foot, and my daughter also was able to come to this part. They had a wonderful dinner of hamburgers or chicken (or both). Then, they went outside and played various games like volleyball and ultimate Frisbee. I watched my son hobble around the field on his sore foot. He got the nickname 'cripple'. I told him not to play too hard because he had some intense days coming up that would tax his foot (we are going to Lake Powell on Sunday).

All of that went well enough, and we came on home. Of course, Friday for me was back to work. My son left the wardhouse at around 6:30 AM. They headed to a ropes course in Provo where you need to learn to rely on a harness and a person for your safety while you jump from trees to rings and stuff. They then headed to Manti for the Manti pageant. They slept in a campground in Manti (I'm glad I wasn't one of the adult leaders trying to make sure boys were with boys and girls with girls). Saturday, they headed to Seven Peaks resort where there was a bunch of water activities. My son said that he had fun and was able to do all the stuff despite his broken toenail on his foot. He did seem in pain though he would not complain about it.

For me, Friday and today was spent getting ready for our trip. The lawn needed mowing, and there were odds and ends that I had to buy for the Lake Powell trip tomorrow. Not too much else going on though.


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