Sunday, July 02, 2006


I have been busy so have not been writing in here as I should. So, it looks like I need to go back and see if I can remember some things to write about.

I can't really think of too terribly much that happened on Thursday or Friday. They must have just been days that were there, and the normal kind of things went on.

On Saturday, I had to get up early enough to get some work done (for my place of employment). That took a couple of hours in the morning, and then I had a CPR class to get too. I am now CPR certified, and just need to wait for the certificate. This is something that we have needed in our Scouting program. I know that the Scoutmaster is CPR certified, and now I am too. In CPR training was Tanner Polatis. I had known him from my previous ward, and he has moved from there as well into our stake. It was nice to get reacquainted with him a little bit. He is the Scoutmaster from his ward.

Arriving home, I was going to go out and mow the lawn. My wife informed me that we needed to go out and figure out what to get for my birthday gift. I had thought that maybe an MP3 player would be something, but it wasn't and isn't a need. Another thought was a PDA. Those are too expensive. We decided to go out and look at PDA's. I'm glad we did. I got the Palm TX. It seems like a pretty nice machine. I was able to get a better deal on it. When I bought it, I also bought three 512 MB SD cards with it for $50. When I looked at some websites after arriving home, I found that Palm was offering a one gig SD card with the purchase of the Palm. I called back to OfficeMax and asked if they would meet that. They would. When I got there, I found that the 1 gig card was going to cost $60 and told them that I preferred my three pack of 512 since that was 1 1/2 times the memory at $10 less. They agreed, and I got $50 off of the purchase price of the cards. I thought that was a pretty good deal.

I charged it up and then played around with it for a good portion of the afternoon and evening. My wife hates it when I get these kind of things. Pam and Anne came over and I didn't go out to be with them at all, and my wife thought I was very anti-social.

The other thing that happened, was that I got called at the last minute to give the lesson to the deacons. I wanted my palm to be working for that, and made that possible.

Today started out with me looking at the lesson again, and going through my palm scriptures. The program I had gotten was broken, so I reloaded it. That worked for deacons quorum, but later in Sunday School, I tried a big search again and had to reset the Palm. Every time I tried to run the scriptures program after that my palm would reset. That was discouraging. I talked to a guy that has the same Palm and he told me to get MarkMyScriptures. I'll do that later.

My kids played with my Palm for most of Sacrament meeting. That wasn't a good thing. It's just what happened. I did a little bit of playing with it also.

After arriving home, we were trying to get my son packed for his trip to North Carolina. There were some things needed of which I ended up going to the store to pick up. I know I shouldn't have, but felt there wasn't really another good option. We had too many things to do on Monday. That pretty well ended the day.


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