Saturday, July 15, 2006

Marriage maintenance

I am going back to try and remember all that has happened over this last period of time. My memory won't be completely there I am sure, but it was a great week for my wife and I.

On Friday the 14th, I had the day off at work. I had arranged to have a guy come over with some loads of dirt. The first seven yards he brought over was topsoil. He was able to put this into the areas that I needed it so I didn't have to wheelbarrow it all around. We got that spread and then another seven yards of mulch was brought over. That was barely enough to get what we wanted, but at least it was enough. It cost me $200 and a lot of sweat. I drank a ton of water. I also had to move some of my sprinkler system up to accommodate the new high level. The box was kind of a pain in the rear to move up.

Saturday was spent finalizing what my daughter needed to take to girls camp. There wasn't too much to do. I did a little bit of cleaning of the house, but not much else.

Sunday was the normal things. My daughter got a call from the bishop and was asked to give a talk in church on Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She was concerned about the timing because she would be at girls camp, so I helped her get most of her talk taken care of on Sunday.

Monday morning we got my daughter off at about 6:15. The bus came and picked all the girls up for camp. My wife and I were officially alone. We were ready to start out our week together. It didn't go completely as I had hoped, but it was good to get the things done that we got done, and it was good to be together. I of course took off the whole week from work.

We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean on Monday. We were disappointed in the movie and the choice of movie because we wanted a story that finished. It was a good action packed movie, but didn't give us what we had hoped it would. All things were left completely open on it. We also had a nice lunch together. At home there was some DVD's and just spending some good quality time together.

Tuesday, I mowed the lawn and put down some landscaping fabric over a 25X15 foot area. It was getting pretty darn hot. We decided that we could go out and look at some rock to put in our garden and flowerbeds. We chose red lava rock for the front and back flower beds, and some rock they called all season rock for the garden area. We ended up getting 3.5 yards of the all season rock (it's quite pretty rock) and 5 yards of red lava rock. That's going to cost a pretty penny when we actually have it delivered. Once again, we had a nice late lunch and then ended up at home just being together. There was a huge thunder storm that came on through and a little bit of what I had done with the fabric came up. It was easy to fix, just maddening.

Wednesday morning I called to schedule for the rock to come to our place. I was told they could do one load between 4:00 and 5:00 this day and another load between 9:00 and 10:00 the next. That was quicker than I expected. This meant that I needed to get more area prepared. I didn't do too much that way though. We ran a couple of errands together and then made sure that we were home between 4:00 and 5:00. The rock was delivered as promised and he was able to take it right to the garden so I just have to spread it. That saves on doing the wheel barrow thing. It's a good thing too, because that rock is hard to work with. It was so hot that I waited until about 9:00 to start spreading the stuff. I only worked for about an hour, and don't feel I got too much of it spread around. There is still a huge pile of rock that I need to take care of.

Thursday morning I got up at 7:00 so I could put down some landscaping fabric on the rest of the areas that it was needed. This took longer than I hoped it would, and before I was done the red lava rock came. Half was dumped in our back yard and half in the front yard. I will need to wheel barrow it where it needs to go, but it shouldn't be too hard. I finally finished doing all of the fabric around 12:30 (a lot longer than I planned on). Part of the problem was that I had to go get some more because I underestimated what I would need. This was completely maddening. I also got really mad when I went to return some fabric I had bought from Big Lots. I was probably unreasonable because it was a hot day and I was tired and just not feeling up to my good old self.

After finishing up some odds and ends, my wife and I headed out to trax to go downtown. There wasn't a place to park the car. We finally found one and waited for the train. We arrived downtown and spent a little bit of time in the mall. We then went to the Joseph Smith Memorial building so we could see the movie Joseph Smith The Prophet of the Restoration. It was a good movie and we thoroughly enjoyed it. There wasn't much to say after seeing it. We went through the gardens on main street and just enjoyed the beauty while holding hands. We also went through temple square. We decided to go to the Lion House to eat. My meal was good, but my wife was disappointed in the trout because we paid way too much for what she got. We could've done a lot better.

On the way home we got on the wrong trax train. As soon as we figured out we were heading for the University of Utah, we got off and got back to where we started. It was an enjoyable afternoon and evening.

I got up at 7:00 again on Friday. I had to beat the heat and get those red lava rocks to the garden areas. That didn't take as long as I expected. I also was able to spread it around a bit. We have to figure out what to do though, because it looks like we have too much. I think I will just need to spread it thicker everywhere in the remaining gardens. My wife came out and told me that our neighbors mom was in the obituaries. Also, one of my coworkers (it's not a coworker I know very well). I picked up my daughter from the church after she got home from camp, went and got a nice plant for our neighbors and then we all went over to express our condolences for their loss. I wish the funeral wouldn't have been on Sunday, because it would've been interesting for me to go to the Buddhist temple for this. I would've even missed our church to do so if my daughter wasn't speaking.

Today, I was so tired I just slept in. I did a little bit around the house. We watched some DVD's and generally relaxed. I should've done something, but just couldn't bring myself to do anything. There really isn't anything more for me to say.

It was a great week to spend with my wife. I think she is glad that I got some work done around the house that she has wanted done for quite awhile now.


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