Monday, August 14, 2006

Two parties

Well, it looks like another week has come and gone. I am not doing well as far as the writing of this thing. I had hoped to be better, but life comes along and I set my priorities in a different area. So, now, once again, I need to try and think of what happened during this past week.

Work has kept me plenty busy. I have been working on getting two new tables up and running. There has been all the programming to try and get there, and then we find a weakness and I have to go and redo some things. Ah, well, it keeps me in a job.

Wednesday is the first day I can think of that much else happened. I left work early so I could take my family to the Hogle Zoo for my company party. We got around to seeing all the animals in short order. The zoo has improved since I was last there. The elephants had roaming room, and the cat house was taken away and changed to be a bit more natural than it was. I was pleased with what I had seen as far as these changes go. I asked one employee about the Liger (it is an animal that was bred by the zoo from a Lion and a tiger). She told me that it is no longer at the zoo, but in a museum (it has been stuffed for years). A manmade animal, it really shouldn't have ever been brought about. My kids wanted to see it though. I guess we'll have to go out to that museum sometime (but it is at BYU, and who wants to go there?).

Anyway, we headed over to the pavilion where the company was meeting. There was a few animals that were shown to us (up close and personal). That was kind of interesting, but I had a hungry family. Finally, the pavilion opened up to the food. There was hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, potatoes, baked beans and rolls. They also had animal crackers and a drink. We sat down to eat. Jana came and sat down near me. I embarrassed myself at this point. I took a fast look at the people who were with her. It was her dad, and from a fast look, her brother. I said something about good to see that you brought your dad and Craig, then upon closer inspection realized that it was her sister Susan. I corrected it, but it was a bit embarrassing to me. She didn't dress all that well though and was kind of sloppy.

After dinner, we headed over to a bird show. It was quite enjoyable, and I have to say that I have never had birds fly that close to my head in my life. If you would've stood up, you would've been hit by these birds. Leather straps on the feet were hitting people on the head, and some even felt the wings on their heads. Anyway, that was quite enjoyable. We spent a little more time at the zoo and then headed on home.

Friday is the next day that I can think of something that happened. My wife and I went to a couples party at a member of our ward. We were the first ones there (and we were about 10 minutes late). The Frandsens had fish for dinner. I am not fond of fish, but I had it anyway. It was Tilapia (I had never even heard of this before) and I actually quite enjoyed it. The other people that were there were the Johnsons (from across the street) and the Llungburgs (not sure of the spelling on that one). It started to rain, so we helped to bring some furniture into the house that they had picked up that day and was still on the trailer. We also played a game called Eye to Eye. That was a fun game, and we all enjoyed our evening. We got home late.

Saturday was a lazy day. Nothing really got accomplished.

Sunday came and went. I found out that the national scouting organization has lost its tax free status, and things are going to change within all councils because of it. We also discussed some of the things that we need to do to help our scouts accomplish their goals.

Tonight, I have been working on some issues with my palm. They have been driving me crazy, and I am going to be up way late trying to figure it all out. It's kind of a pain. I currently can't get my palm to sync up. I took care of one problem only to run into others. In the process, I wiped everything out on my palm (thank goodness for backups) and then had to take down the programs (including cleaning of registry stuff) and then reload some of the desktop. After all of this.... Nothing. It still doesn't work. I will be up for awhile trying to get it all done. How frustrating.


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