Monday, August 07, 2006

No more hosting for you!

Well, it's been another week.

This week some of the forums that I go to and indeed I am a host in got an announcement that they would close. People got banned that have been long time regulars, but that Rachel found to be troublemakers. After the announcement, Rachel went and took care of some personal business. I decided to wait and see what she would be doing before I gave up on being a host. A lot was said and done in the forums. It was a busier week than normal in those forums because of the uproar. I watched divisions happen, but mostly against a few people. I am not going to judge anybody or say anything about the various things I saw. Some of those things I agreed with, but some things were just plain hurtful (not to me personally). It is an uproar. Dottie (who I respect greatly) gave up her job as host. There was talk about whether the rest of us would give up our jobs. Just this morning, I gave up my job as host because Rachel would not reconsider what it was that she was doing, and would not give me a valid answer as to why she banned certain people from the forums. I cannot work under those kinds of conditions. I think that Bob Katz will give up as a host, but am not sure about Gator. Those forums will end up going down unless somebody can come in quickly and salvage them. Of course, the one has been shut down completely, though it was at least left as read only so people can go in and see some of the great discussions that went on in there. Well, that's my rant about that. I was hurt a bit by the Danite when he said that I have no credibility with him because I chose to hang onto my host job until I could get some final answers. Though I will not change because of what he says or what he has said, I still value him and his opinions. That's why it hurt. I'll get over it soon enough.

Well, what else has happened this week? Not a lot. I completely forgot about Young Men, so since I didn't go, neither did my son or daughter. They were so caught up in wanting to go up to my in-laws cabin that nothing else really matters. Anyway, the Young Men and Young Women have a game going on that is where everybody is given a name of somebody to squirt with a squirt gun. When that person is hit, you get the name that they were supposed to hit. This game will go on until there is only one person. So, the neighborhood has been busy with these hit lists. At church people were asking who was left.

I worked most of the week. There is quite a bit going on at work and it hasn't helped that I have had so much time off of late. Oh well, I'm doing my best to catch up. I still took of Friday of this week.

Thursday, my family went up to my in-laws cabin. I followed after I got off at work. There wasn't anything happening up there, which made it all the better for me. My wife and I slept in the Pilot while my in-laws and the kids slept in the cabin. Friday, we also did basically nothing. There was game playing, walking and taking pictures, but that was about it. Friday evening Pam and Anne came up. They had their dogs which I am extremely allergic too so I decided to come down off the mountain. My wife came down with me, leaving our kids behind. We did nothing of note on Saturday or Sunday.

That's about it for the week. I can't think of anything else to say.


Blogger Deleen said...

You haven't heard my side of the story and probably won't.

Sorry it was so un-fun for you, Craig.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

Shiela, I think it is in peoples natures to get offended when something that they care about changes so drastically. This has been a terrible thing to happen to a lot of them because of all the personal investment they have done in the forums. I am glad that, for the most part, we seem to have gotten over all of this.

Deleen, I'm OK with all that has happened. Things were torn from me, but that is the way things go from time to time. I had fun while it lasted, and I will find more fun in times to come. Nobody will force me to be happy or unhappy. I will do all of this on my own.

12:16 PM  

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