Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nothing to Report

Some may think I am lame for not writing here, but about once a week, but really, there isn't much to tell. After some online help with one of the vendors for my palm, I finally got results and have been able to get all to work right. It was interesting that I was told to follow these instructions exactly, and then when I did, they fixed those instructions and said to follow these instructions exactly. I have been able to sync the palm a number of times.

I also added a scout program that seems to be good. It keeps track of each of the boys as far as their advancement and the merit badges that they have. So far, I have gotten each of the boys in my troop loaded in to the point that we have on our records. I still need to put in each of their merit badges though. It's nice to see at a glance where each boy is so we can better help them achieve that ultimate goal of eagle scout. Wednesday evening was spent with us giving most of our boys a scoutmaster interview. Most of them are ready to advance to the next level, so most every boy had an interview.

My kids stayed at Glen and Shellys house since Gordon is here because he drove his brother to Utah. They stayed overnight, and we picked them up Thursday evening. It's too bad I had to go to Young Men that night, because my wife and I could've had a nice evening with just us at home. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

Friday, I played a bit on the computer, and did some housework. Saturday, more of the same. Really not too much to write.

Tonight, we had a "Standards Night" fireside at the church. My son didn't want to go, so we left him home and went with our daughter. It was a good fireside, and quite enjoyable. The theme was on how Satan traps you, and one of the speakers had all kinds of traps that he showed us. We saw how they worked too.

Anyway, now you know why I am only writing about once a week.


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