Monday, September 04, 2006

Swiss Days

Once again, going back in time.

Wednesday went OK for me. Work happened, and then I had Young Men in the evening. We went over some Duty to God requirements and tried to take care of all of that. We did get through a couple of things and got the boys passed off. We do need to work on that a bit more and make sure the boys are getting the things they need for their Duty to God awards.

We were also able to talk with Brandon that night. We need to get things straightened up with him as best we can. We need to take in his personality and do what we can to work with it. He has been our most challenging boy since I started up in this calling, and we did feel that we got some headway that evening. Here I am crossing my fingers that this is going to go better.

Nothing of consequence happened on Thursday (at least that I can think of). I was home Friday, and one of the things I took care of, was to call the alarm company to try to figure out what all of the problems and kinks are there. I had to go to the alarm system and push a whole bunch of buttons to hopefully correct the problem that we were having. We also set the alarm off a couple of times in test (my hearing may never be the same now).

After picking the kids up from school, we completed what we needed to complete to head up to Midway and to my in-laws cabin. This is something that we do every year over the Labor day weekend. If we could've reached my wifes parents, we would've waited until Saturday morning to go up. There was one accident on the way up that kept us even longer than we had anticipated for getting there. When we got there, we were given dinner and then handed Margeret her birthday gift (it was a game called Zing - or something like that). We had purchased it along with a game called Eye to Eye that we played at a party a couple of weeks ago. Eye to Eye was a bit expensive (thus the other game).

At the cabin, that night, we played Eye to Eye and enjoyed that. It is something that everybody could play from the grandparents all the way to my kids.

Saturday came to early. My father-in-law wanted to get to Swiss days by 10:00 AM so we could get to the parade. My wife and I didn't want to go to the parade, but got there in time for it (along with them). We separated, and my wife and I went around the booths. There was a lot of good things there, but most of what we would've wanted to have was way too much. We went and grabbed some scones, then found our kids with grandma and grandpa and gave them our leftovers on that. My wife and I went back to the cabin around noon and ended up watching a DVD. Jeff came into the cabin with his girlfriend, and since we had been watching the DVD on the bed, and it had just ended, asked us if we were having sex. I told him no, and if he would leave for just two minutes we could possibly get that all done and over with. Anyway, they headed down to Swiss days and we took a nap.

We headed back to Swiss days at 4:00 PM so we could get to the Barbecue Beef Dinner. That was good. We met with the whole family. My son was upset that we hadn't been there because he wanted to buy some stilts. He had seen a couple of people walking around on them. We told him to see if he could find where they were. He came back after a little while and wasn't able to find them. We sent everybody back to the cabin, but my son, and we were going to see if we could find those stilts. We went to a couple of the places that were selling wooden toys, and they referred us to the other places selling wooden toys. Nobody knew where they had come from, but had seen them about. We ran into a family that the girl was walking on stilts. We asked where they had bought them, and they offered to sell us that pair for $10. That is the way they were selling them. They didn't approach anybody, but waited for people to approach them. I guess they had sold them there in years past, but didn't have the time to do a booth this year (and had about 50 pair in their garage). Anyway, my son was happy to have these.

We got back to the cabin, and my son and daughter kept on trying out the stilts and both got very good at it (although they got better on Sunday). We played the Zing game that night and had a lot of fun with it. Time came for bed, and we were just glad to get into bed. Jeff and his girlfriend had headed back home.

Sunday, we all slept in. There was a little bit of argument that was getting ready to get big between my father-in-law and mother-in-law. My mother-in-law started to recite the articles of faith and my father-in-law was talking about science over belief (or faith). It made my wife and I nervous, but it was kept under control this time. There have been too many of those arguments that have happened in the past. Not too much happened on Sunday, but we did play Eye to Eye again. My son and I stayed up late playing backgammon (which I really don't know how to play - I just barely learned) into the late hours of the evening.

Nothing much happened today either. We woke up late (well not my wife - she got up with the dog) and then just fiddled around the cabin. I thought I was going to go down to Zermott (a new day spa/hotel that is at the entrance to Lime Canyon) and see what it was all about. That didn't happen. My kids went out with Grandpa to hit a bucket of balls. I am borrowing the golf clubs so that I can play with my work this coming Friday. We left the cabin around 2:00 so we could get home and get a book for my daughters music class. She is in beginning woodwinds, playing the flute.

It was good to get home, but we do miss being up in the mountains. We did a few chores around the house and then kind of relaxed a bit. Not too much else is going on.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Chad Merica ( a guy who was with my brother in law who is now in prison) got caught in Wyoming for not turning himself in. When he is all done, he could get up to another ten years on top of the four that he already has to serve. It will be interesting to follow up on that story as it goes on.


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