Monday, September 11, 2006


Just the other day, I wrote about one of my coworkers who has come to me about his divorce. Today, I have been corresponding with another old coworker who is now in the process of divorce. In both of these cases, the divorce is after many years of marriage. This is a concern to me. I am a proponent of marriage and I abhor divorce in most cases. I just don't believe it is usually the right thing to do. Certainly if there is abuse going on (mental or physical) a divorce is more than likely the right decision. Most cases of divorce don't come because of this, but because of selfishness. What is it that causes these divorces after so many years (in the first case after 16 and the second case is over 20)?

Marriage can be fragile at times, and I understand all of this. It needs to be handled carefully. When two people have committed to love each other for eternity (or even for life) shouldn't they both do everything in their power to make sure that their marriage is one that works? I don't pretend to have any answers. I do know that if one person in the contract wants out, that there really isn't a way for the other person to salvage the relationship. This is what happened to me. One wanted out, and the other wanted to preserve the marriage relationship. Obviously, for me it did not work that way.

I do want to say, that while I don't believe I should've ever gotten the divorce, that it is probably one of the best things that has happened to me (in the long term) because of meeting my beautiful and loving wife. I would not have had the same opportunity within the bounds of my previous marriage to know the sweet person that I have come to know now. Sure, my marriage now is far from perfect. I am a good part in the cause of the imperfections of my marriage, but I do love my wife with all of my heart and soul. Was this all a part of Gods plan for me? Was I supposed to be married to my first wife as well as my second wife? I don't know. I do know that God wants me to have joy. I do have joy (unfortunately, I also have pain).

I really don't know why I am writing this all down. My mind has been thinking a bit about my friends going through this difficult time of their lives and I have felt their pain (to a certain extent). I don't want my marriage to go away after all the years that we have put into it. I continue to pray to God that my marriage and family will be an eternal family.


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