Sunday, September 10, 2006


Last Friday, I arrived at work at my normal time and worked for about 4 hours before taking off to the Mountain Dell golf course. This is where the IT department decided to have our annual golf tournament. It's not really a tournament. I mean, anyone who has one of the prizes (indeed the biggest prize) for the goofiest hat can't really be too serious with golf.

I don't own hats. They aren't something I like to collect. My wife tells me that if they were doing the goofiest looking person in a hat, I would win hands down. Well, not owning any hats, I came into work without one. I was told I should at least try to get a hat, at which point I remembered there were a bunch of happy birthday cone type hats in a drawer at work. I went and got one of those. It wasn't for the win per se', but more to be sort of humorous. Nobody knows how long those hats have been around. They are guessing they have been around for more than 10 years though.

While waiting for my tee time, Tadd (from work) came to talk to me. He is going through a divorce currently and just wanted to know kind of what I had gone through. I don't wish divorce on anybody, but sometimes it just happens and other times it is needed. I got the feeling that his just happened. This, after 16 years of marriage. I can't quite comprehend that, as I am now married for going on 17 years. My divorce was just after five years. I will have to talk to Tadd more at work. I'll help him out where I can, but mostly, it is just something that he has to go through by himself.

Anyway, I had an early lunch at the golf course (paid for by my company) and then went out to play. I am not a golfer (those who were with me can attest to that). We were all in groups of four, and some chose to play the best ball out of the four while others (like ours) chose to play the ball till we got it in the hole, or were sick of that particular hole. I had never done 18 holes like we did today, and by the end was a little bit tired. Not bad, just a little bit.

My group had finished playing golf and had driven the carts out to our cars (so we didn't have to walk with the golf bag) and returned them when a huge storm came in. We got in just in time. There was hail and lightening, and a drenching rain. People from all over the course were trying to get in as well. Those who were behind us gave up their games and came in (nobody held up their 2 iron to see if they could be a lightening rod).

We met in a room at the golf course and had a prize drawing session. Of course there was the goofiest hat, but there was also the longest drive (both men and women) and a few others. Then there was just drawing names out of the hat. I ended up getting a fake leather notepad thing. I will probably use it for some of the scout meetings I go too. This ended earlier than I had anticipated (the rain had something to do with that) and that wasn't a bad thing.

My son had a friend stay the night, and my daughter had a late night at her friends house. My daughter did bring us some cheese and other things from the friends house (he had the extras from his trucking company).

When I woke up Saturday, I made some eggs (of course with cheese) and some sweet rolls. There was also orange juice. Most of this (minus the eggs) was from what was brought home by my daughter. After taking my sons friend home, we spent some time to clean the house. I had some allergies come to me because of the dusting and stuff, but it is good to have a clean home (so they keep telling me). We went out and grabbed some chinese food and just stayed home most of the day. It wasn't for lack of trying to find something to do though. We tried to call a bunch of people to see if we could work out going somewhere (nothing panned out).

Today of course we went to all the church meetings, and then really did nothing else. There isn't anything else to talk about really, so I'll sign off now.


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