Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Court of Honor

There really isn't much to mention, but I am here again mentioning it anyway.

Things were normal at work. I got home in time to get the kids off to their piano lessons. My daughter was doing some homework, and my son was making a solar oven to test. He explained to me how it would work, and said that it should get to about 350 degrees in heat.

When it was time to leave for piano lessons, my son did not want to go. He honestly thought that they weren't going to piano lessons at all, and since it was not in his plans, it should not be. There was some arguing between him and me, and finally, we got in the car and were late to those piano lessons by about five minutes. We also picked them up a few minutes early.

We dropped my daughter off at a friends house with some homework knowing that they would be going to Young Women together. We then headed over to the Petits house for the court of honor. Of course, like everything else, we were late there too. That was OK. They did not start the dinner of hotdogs without us.

My son had a migrane going on. I believe he got it partly because of arguing with us before piano lessons and then the stress continued from there. We ate, and then I made sure that he got his awards as one of the first ones to get them so he and my wife could leave and go home. My wife, of course, wondered how come she put on her makeup for something so short.

Anyway, the court of honor went on, and was a thing to help get the boys and their parents excited for the coming year. It went well, and all enjoyed it. We had pictures of the camps that the boys have been on, and had them grab pictures if they wanted them.

I went home with one of the members of the ward that was at the court of honor.

Soon after arriving home, my wife asked me about our daughter. I didn't know where she was, and thought she may still have something going on with Young Women. My wife didn't like that idea and drove over to the church. Evidently, nobody was there. She came home and asked if our daughter had come home. She seemed pretty upset that I wasn't that concerned. I told her that we should probably check at the Clarks. She went over there and got our daughter home from there. She was supposed to call us when Young Women was over, but maybe she did not understand that.

It was hard to discuss anything with my wife today, as she was (in her own words) in an argumentative state of mind. I really couldn't do too much right.

My son is OK, and doesn't have the headache any longer, and things are going to get back to normal (including arguing over whose turn it is to say the family prayer).


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