Sunday, September 17, 2006

Palms and Computers

I need to go back in time again, and try to fill in the blanks. Unfortunately, I am somewhat blank on some of the happenings of the week.

Thursday evening, I was out and about and noticed our neighbors door was open again. This time, they were inside and carrying some things out of the home. I went over and talked to them and let them know that the door was left wide open the previous night and that I didn't know if they had been broken into or not, so I called the police. He asked if I had shut the door and I told him no because I wasn't sure if it was a crime scene or not, so I didn't touch a thing, but did hang around outside until the police were there.

It turns out that they have built another home in a subdivision called Midas Creek. It is not too far from where we live, but the homes there are $20,000 more than they are in my subdivision. Anyway, we are mixed on how we feel about them moving. They have not been the ideal neighbors, and haven't been seen much, even when they were home. Now, the home will either be up for sale or rent (we hope sale) and you never know who you will get as a neighbor. It may be awhile before we get a new neighbor because homes are not going that fast and there are other homes in the neighborhood that are up for sale. The property is still just rock and weeds (as a matter of fact, the city has left a note on their door to clean it up). Plus, I had that first argument with him before they even moved in (and before I knew he would be my new neighbor). I still blame the drugs for that, because it is the easiest thing to blame it on.

Friday, I was off at work. I slept in somewhat, but then got up. I ran a couple of errands, and did little else until the evening. We had a neighborhood ward party over at the church. I took the kids over there. It was kind of nice to meet with a few of the people from the ward (and the neighborhood as it wasn't all church members). It had to be moved in doors because it was pouring rain, and that made it a bit more difficult for those who were running this. I thought the activities committee did a good job.

Saturday was spent in taking care of things at home. I also had to do a few things for work before we left home for Pam and Annes. We arrived at Pam and Annes home at around 3:00. Anne had called and wanted to have some help in getting her Palm T|X synchronized to her PC. She was having some problems with her USB drives. When I got there, she handed me the new USB drives so I could install them, as well as a blue tooth that she wanted to get installed onto the PC. I was able to take care of all of that, and get her Palm synched up with the PC. It took until around 5:00 PM. We also installed some other software for her Palm that she had purchased (Franklin Planner and Quicken). She was grateful to have all of that installed. I guess I became an expert for Palms when I purchased my Palm. That along with my computer experience makes me look like I know more than I do to others.

We had a nice dinner out there (Anne is an excellent cook) and visited with them for awhile. My wife and Pam were discussing how great it was that Anne and I could talk about tech stuff because they are just bored with it all. I did go to the store to get some cheesecake that we all were craving (just one person has to mention it for a craving to take place) and we enjoyed that. My wife and I left our kids there and headed home.

After arriving home, I found that some of my jobs at work had died because the file that was sent to us was bad. We tried to fix the file, but there were too many problems with it. We sent for a new file.

Today was stake conference. Not that we went. We slept in, and then didn't even get to the second session. Of course, I did have to do some work this morning. Around noon the new file came to us. We still had to do one fix to it (one of the fixes we had asked them for, they didn't do). Anyway, we got that loaded into test so people could look at it. All of this work is being done in test so we can try to iron out any bugs when we do it for real in two more weeks.

We headed out to Pam and Annes. They bribed us with dinner so that we would pick up our kids. Once again, it was a wonderful meal. My daughter had also spent some time with Anne making some jam and other canned goods. We were able to take some of that home.

Well, that's it!


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