Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Migraines and such

Well, not a lot has gone on this week (so far). Work has calmed down somewhat, but I am chasing errors here and there that are being found. So far, the errors do not seem to be on the side of the data warehouse (I can only report back data that is in other areas). This has meant that I have had to find various people to fix things on the mainframe. It's getting to the point that they don't want to see me, and Amber flips me off every time I go to her (it's all in fun though).

Today I went to my parents house for lunch (I also had to return twelve chairs I had borrowed from them). We talked about some odds and ends that are going on, and I was getting ready to get back to work, when my wife gave a phone call to their place. She told me that her left eye had gone blank with kind of like a lightning going on and a backwards 'C'. It later, was cloudy and she said it was as if she was seeing the world from under water, and then it cleared up. She had called an ophthalmologist and had an appointment to get in but I would need to pick up the kids. I told her I would be OK with that, and left my parents home. I drove to my in-laws (which is right by my parents) to give them the stuff they had left at our home after the 80th birthday party, then drove to work. Not much was going on at work that needed immediate attention, so I left and headed home, hoping to find my wife still there. She wasn't.

When I got home, there was an open phonebook and I looked down the list until I found an ophthalmologist and got that number. I found that phone number written on another piece of paper so was pretty certain that I had the right one. I called them and they told me that my wife had not come in, but even if she did, because of HIPPAA regulations, they could not tell me if she had an appointment or not. I asked for them to have her call me when she came in. They told me they would do so IF she came in. This they did not do. I called again about half an hour later and they were not going to let me know if she came in or not. I finally got them to go to the room my wife was in and hand her the phone (of course, they could not let me know that she was there). I absolutely hate these regulations that make it almost impossible to find out anything. I understand the privacy act to a point, but it is getting toward ridiculous. My main concern was that she was able to drive there safely, and to know that she was safe. Anyway, she was told that this was something that happens with migraines. Later, at home, she told me she had a small headache. I told her to take some ibuprofen to head it off because if caught early enough, I have been able to avoid migraines.

Well, I picked up the kids, and then got some dinner for all of us (a little later). We all went to Young Men/ Young Women since my wife is now with the organization. I helped our boys with some of the requirements for the Physical Fitness merit badge, and we are trying to get them all set up with their exercise program (now I just need to get my son there as well).

That was pretty much our day.

Oh, I also saw an ad for an electric airplane for my sons birthday. Actually, it will be a gag gift (it's quite cheap). We are going to put it where he more than likely will find it, to keep him from finding his real gift (which I bought on Monday). The real gift is a keyboard that he has been wanting (he just wants a keyboard, I had to find the one that I thought best for him as well as my pocketbook). It's not an expensive one, but then it's not a cheap one either. I think he'll enjoy it.


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