Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today was that fun day called Halloween. A few people at work dressed up and they had a contest for the best costumes. There was nothing out of the ordinary. They also had the annual soup contest for this day. What that means to me is that there are some great soups, chilis, and stews to be had by going downstairs at lunch time. Other than that, work was uneventful.

When I arrived home, my daughter was getting ready to go to a party. She dressed up in a dress that we had that was made for her Shakespearean play last year. My wife spent quite a long time helping her with her hair. She looked good when she left for the party.

As for my wife and I? We just watched TV and answered the door as a few people came around for this evening of fun. There weren't that many people that were out though. We have way too much candy (but we aren't going to complain about it till it goes to our waists). My daughter did come home so she could go out trick or treating with another of her friends, and my son went with them. They had a pretty good time being out there.

One of our neighbors has a very scary house. They put up a fence around a graveyard that they had made. They had many ghosts and ghouls around the gravestones as well. I am told (by the owner of the house) that they had some coffins and a bunch of other decorations that went inside of their house as well. We didn't get over there to look, but it sounds like they had quite a bit of fun.

Some people are going on about how Halloween is not a Christian holiday and we should not celebrate this holiday. I think it is the same as everything else. It all depends what you make of it (or don't). I find it to be a fun holiday where kids can dress up and make believe. It is a time of giving as all these kids come around to your house and you pass out the treats. I don't understand why people make such big deals out of these non-issues.


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