Monday, October 30, 2006

More Birthday

Work was kind of boring today. It does look like I am going to start working toward throwing away a bunch of work that I have done in the past. There is only one person that wants us to do things in a particular way, and she doesn't care about anything else. We should've been done with the project about 6 months ago, but I am waiting on Doug from Pinnacle to finish his part so I can do mine. As it sits, I will probably start (this week) to accomplish what he should've finished accomplishing 6 months ago. This has just been going on too long. We are hopefully going to get this accomplished by Thanksgiving.

I left work and came on home. We gathered up everybody and went to Chuck-A-Rama for dinner (that's where my son wanted to go for his birthday). Of course we took the cake from last night with us so we could also drop in on my parents for his birthday. We had some good conversation with my parents, ate cake and ice cream and then left for home. Really, there isn't much to say. I don't even know why I chose to write anything here today.


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