Thursday, October 19, 2006

Police Again!

Not too much has happened in the last couple of days. Wednesday, we had Young Men/ Young Women. We had to get our kids out of piano lessons about 10 minutes early to get my daughter to a costume party for Halloween there. She went as an M&M and my wife went as an M&M bag. I'm sure glad we didn't return my brothers costumes to him last year when we borrowed them.

My son went to a Doctors office for young men and we did some more on the Physical Fitness merit badge for our boys. It's a drag, but it's one of those things that has to get done.

Anyway, today was another boring day at work. I have one problem to look into tomorrow (and it is a small one) but other than that, it seems that I am just filling in time there (for now). That makes for long days at work.

Tonight, there wasn't too much going on. I told my wife that I was looking at ( and had found a couple of hotels that we may be interested in for our anniversary. It is nice because we can get our own discount this way. I had been looking at the Armstrong mansion as a possibility because it looked nice and we could get a decent deal. Well, I went to look at Alaskan Inns as well as Anniversary Inn to see what could be done there. Of course no good deals came to fruition there. Armstong mansion was still my favorite place to try.

Well, we looked some more on city deals, and came up with a place called Johnson Mill. We were able to get coupons worth $100 for $80 (this wasn't as good as the Armstrong Mansion although there was only the possibility of using two coupons there instead of as many as you want). We decided that we want to stay for two nights there. The first night we will be staying in the RiverBottoms room. The second night will be in the Waterfall room. The rooms with taxes will cost us $430, but because we are able to get an $80 discount we will be there for the two nights for $350. That's not too bad of a deal (not great, but not too bad). It was kinda fun looking into this together and seeing what is available. Anyway, it is something for us to look forward too for our anniversary. We have tried to go to a hotel most of the years of our 17 years together.

After all of that, I decided to walk the dog. I was out there walking, and was getting close to home again, when I heard a car behind me. It sounded like it was speeding. I looked back and saw it (as well as heard) start to slow down. I figured they had seen me, and were maybe going to be turning on the street that I was about to cross. While crossing that street, I looked back and saw that they were getting to the side of the road, so I changed my mind and decided they were going to park behind a van that was sitting there. I walked a couple of steps and heard a good solid thunk, as the car hit the van. I went out in the road to take a look, and the car chose to back up. I started to look at the license plate (the lighting was bad). I got the first numbers on it and then the car started forward toward me. I moved to the side of the road and yelled at the guy that I had his license number (I didn't have the full thing yet) and he sped off. I did get the rest of the number as he left.

I ran to the house of the vehicle that got hit and was repeating the number over and over so I wouldn't forget it. I must've looked a bit crazy as I was doing that. I rang the doorbell and a guy yelled out wondering who I was. I told him that his vehicle had been hit and I needed to get the number written down. He hurriedly opened the door and got the information and then we went to look at the vehicle. It was only bumper damage, but that can cost a small fortune. I went home and let him call the police. Heaven knows, I have called them enough times for the small amount of time I have lived in my house. A little later the policeman was at my door to get my statement. I gave it, and hope they catch the guy. Of course, I also hope that I got all the numbers right on that plate. I hate it when people do this kind of thing and would love to see the guy prosecuted.

Anyway, that got my blood pumping, and it is hard for me to calm down enough to sleep. Sooner or later I will have to get to bed.


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