Monday, October 16, 2006

50th Birthday

Saturday, we woke up and messed around at the hotel (and went to get a Diet Coke) for a little bit and then decided to go to the cabin to see what was going on. We saw Pams car coming down from the cabin, so turned around and went to our hotel room again. They decided to stay there at the hotel for a little bit since everyone at the cabin was still asleep. They just watched some cable TV and my wife and I went to get some breakfast. There is a little restaurant in the convenience store so we thought we would try some breakfast there. We got there right at 11:00. We asked if we could have breakfast and were told yes. When we were getting ready to order, they yelled out "No more breakfasts". We tried to get them to change their minds and they told us no because there is always just one more (we were actually asking for two more). We said fine and started to leave, at which point they decided they could do it. We just waved at them and as we were leaving a guy in there told us that we didn't have time to wait for them to make the breakfast anyway.

We didn't know if we would find breakfast anywhere or not, but headed down to Heber City. We went to Chicks cafe and got our breakfast. The omelet I had wasn't the best (but it was OK) because it was made using some American cheese. I should've gotten the sausage and eggs breakfast that my wife got. Oh well, we got through that.

We then headed back to the Hotel, and then to the cabin. There were some games played, some walks walked, and then we were back at the Hotel to do some more swimming. It's an indoor pool with a little path that goes to the outdoor pool. The outdoor pool is only 2'10" in depth though. The indoor is about 5' in it's deepest spot. It's pretty good for just messing around in. There are also hottubs.

After all of that it was back to the cabin, and playing more games as well as dinner. Our kids decided that they would come back to the hotel with us because they wanted to watch Hocus Pocus on the disney channel (It was a misprint in both the Deseret News and the Tribune). We actually drove with one of them to the Hotel, and had to go back and pick up my daughter later. At least they would have a warm sleep.

Sunday morning, my son was upset because he didn't get to go out and have breakfast with us. Since my wife and I had gone out on Saturday, he assumed (wrongly) that we would also have breakfast out on Sunday. Instead, we headed to the cabin, where Anne made a wonderful omelet breakfast (this omelet exceeded, by far, the omelet I had at Chicks). We once again, played games, and walked the dogs (four dogs, hence the reason I couldn't stay at the cabin), and messed around a bit. We also went to the Hotel to try to get on the golf course (it is a putting course) but were told that it wasn't open yet even though we had seen others play on it. The owner had locked up the putters. Instead, we played some shuffle board (though none of us really know how) and then played chess on a big chess board they had outside with 2 foot high pieces. We did some resting and some relaxing, and then went back to the cabin for dinner. After all of that, it was back to the Hotel for some swimming in the evening. We were the only ones in the pools and that made it nice. We finished with that around 9:00 in the evening. I had to go back to the cabin to pick up a few things and Pam and Anne stayed at our Hotel for a bit to have some coffee. My son and daughter stayed with us for this night as well. I forgot to mention that the first night that my wife and I were there, there was hardly any sleep to be had. There was an airconditioning unit outside that went off about every 20 minutes and kept on waking us up. We got a bigger room with a couch that was a hideaway bed because we had mentioned this to them.

Anyway, we slept in this morning. We finally got up to the cabin at around 11:00 in the morning (just after we checked out of the Hotel). We had cold cereal for breakfast, and then hung around for a bit. I'm not sure if it was on Monday, or Sunday that my son made a couple of dollars from his grandpa for stacking wood and helping with some garbage that was too heavy for his grandpa to pick up, but my son did do that. We waited for Anne to get back from Salt Lake where she had a class so we could go to a coffee house and have some cake. We gave Pam our little cards for her birthday and then went for a walk. The walk wasn't the brightest of ideas. It had rained the entire night and the roads were muddy. That's not so bad, normally, but we had my wife and I, Pam, and my two kids. Along with that was four dogs. It was also raining a bit while we were out. We came back with muddy feet and muddy dogs. We took care of the dogs in a bath, as well as had our own shoes washed. It was after all of that, that we decided it was lunch time. We were starting to eat when Anne came back. We had lunch and then my wife packed up our car for the trip home. When we were piling into the car (we had already borrowed some shoes) my wife stepped into some dog crap. As if that wasn't bad enough, she had just cleaned off her shoes and she stepped into it again (she wasn't sure where it was the first time). She also bumped her head on the car door in trying to keep the dog in our vehicle, and she decided this was her Friday the 13th. The cake was good at this coffee house, and we had a Saint Jude candle lit for us. Of course happy birthday was sung to Pam and then we headed home.

The trip home was treacherous. It was snowing and we were in white out conditions coming home over Parleys Canyon. There was also a jerk driver in a commercial truck that figured he could drive just as fast as he wanted and in any way he chose. Of course we were guilty of letting him do so rather than getting in an accident. We made it home safe and sound.

After arriving home, I took my son out and we went to get some money back from a vacuum that I had bought at Home Depot (it was on sale now) and got an extra part for it so I don't have to bend so much when I use it to clean. We also went to a shoe store to get my son some shoes. Once home, my kids decided they wanted to eat cereal for dinner and I had to go pick up some milk. I finally got home from that and decided on Nachos for me.

After relaxing for a little while, I decided to go pick up our mail and newspapers from our neighbors. Before leaving our house, I looked out the window and saw a jeep and a person in our driveway. Whoever it was in the driveway turned back to talk to somebody in the jeep. I waited for them to knock on our door, but it was my daughter that saw them get in the jeep and drive slowly away. We were wondering what was going on, but I wasn't worried about it. When I came out of the house, I saw a woman walking down our driveway from our garage area. I wasn't quite sure what to make of that. She walked to the jeep. She had waved at me, and then drove slowly down the street. I walked across the street to pick up my stuff and while talking to those neighbors watched the jeep go up to the Clarks house and leave something on the doorstep. After arriving home, I told my wife that our garage door was open, and when we went to close it, we about tripped over our own package that was left on the doorstep. It was the phantom that visits at this time of year and now we need to go out and give it to three other people. As I thought about it, and what I had seen, I was pretty certain that it came to us from the Lowders. They gave us a call soon after that to invite us over to a costume party on the Friday before Halloween. He then confirmed my suspicion when he told me we may want to check our back door in the garage. I didn't let on to him that I had already figure it all out. Anyway, that's about it. My kids aren't excited to be going back to school tomorrow.


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