Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Customer Service

Today started out like any other work day. I headed into work and took care of some of the normal things that I take care of. I also had started to get to some issues when I got a phone call from my daughters school. It was her PE teacher. My daughter is on the All Star soccer team at school, and according to her teacher was running her little heart out. The problem comes up that there are other players who are also running their little hearts out. My daughter was right up to the ball when it was kicked up at her and hit her in the head. I guess it came pretty hard because it knocked her down. The teacher said that she was pretty certain that my daughter would have a major headache from the trauma. Anyway, they tried to call home but got no answer, so they called me instead so I could find my mom. I laughingly told her that was fine, but I didn't think my mom could or would do too much for this situation. I told them I would either find my wife or come in.

Not able to find my wife, I left work to pick up my daughter. After arriving home with her, I put her in bed and got a warm pack for her (she already had ice and her headaches seem to do better when she is given a little bit of heat). I then went into the den to work (thank goodness we got the computers all set up in there). As it was, I couldn't VPN into work. I had to call the helpdesk. I wish when they change profiles, they would let us know that they had done so. Instead, I wasted 20 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong. One little change and I was able to get in. It was pretty close to lunch time so I got my daughter some lunch and then grabbed some for myself. By the time my wife came home, we decided that it wasn't worth it to drive all the way back to work. Instead, I stayed home and worked from here.

After finishing up with work, my wife told me that I needed to get the wires up onto our roof. We have a particular area that ends up coming down onto our sidewalk and making it extra slick for anybody coming to see us (not that there are that many who come to see us). Not wanting to get sued, we need to get this up to heat up snow and ice and let it go down the proper place. When I bought the wire, I asked the advice of Lowes about how much I needed (explaining my whole situation). They told me to take the number of feet and multiply times three. That made about 60 feet. I got the 60 feet last Saturday. In looking over the instructions 3 times did not make sense to me. When you have a gutter (and I had given this information to them) you need to multiply by four. I called Lowes up and asked if they had an 80 foot one. They went and looked and said that there was an 80 foot one, but they did not carry it. I asked the guy again how much I needed and he gave me the three multiplier. I told him to look on the box, and he said, oh, you're right you need to multiply by four. Anyway, I called Home Depot to see if they had an 80 foot cable or not. They did.

I decided to go to Lowes first so I could get my money back on the one I had, and then was going to go to Home Depot. In the returns line, I was told that since I paid with a check they could not refund my money until 15 days was up (as you can clearly see printed on the back of the receipt), and I could receive a store credit. I asked if there was a way to override this, and was told no. I then asked to speak to a manager. I was told that there would be nothing the manager could do either. I asked again to see the manager, and was told that she would not be able to override this. I said, let me speak to the manager. I was told again there was nothing she could do. Now I was getting angry. LET ME SEE THE MANAGER. The clerk gets on the phone and tries to say quietly, that they have an angry customer that's going a little nuts. I didn't let on that I had heard. The poor manager didn't have too much of a chance with me because I was quite furious. She came and told me that they had tried to override one this morning and were unable to do so. I tell her my whole situation. That is, I need to get this up now and not wait for 15 days (the weather is turning, and I want to get it up before then). I bought this on the advice of your salesman (even though it was bad advice), and you don't carry the 80 foot cable I need. She informs me that it says right on the receipt that you can't get cash back with a check for 15 days. I should've known that from the time I bought it. I ask her when it was that I got that receipt. She says, huh? I asked, did I receive the receipt before or after I paid with a check. Well, it was after. So, how am I to know their policy? Besides, had the guy told me to multiply by 4, I would've gone elsewhere to buy this because you don't sell 80 foot cable. Now I am asked, if I am sure of this. I tell her no, I'm not sure, I only know what your salesman told me, but I have not checked out your inventory. She then informs me that I am therefore not sure. I agree. She calls somebody and asks about it. She is told that there are none of that size that is carried by Lowes. I felt like telling her that she wasn't sure either because she did not check herself. They still don't want to refund the money. I remind again, that it was bought in good faith, and a store credit will do me absolutely no good. Finally, she says condescendingly, Sir, you will get your money but you have to come around here and fill out some papers. I do so. They are complaint papers that she makes me fill out in order to get my money. Anyway, I received the money and said to her to have a good day. She just kind of grunts at me. I have not been that angry for quite awhile. I really must get my temper in check.

I leave and go to Home Depot. Find the product. Purchase it, and then get behind an old man who is chatty. He kept on going on and on with his story while the lady is asking him for his zipcode. He either doesn't hear the question or he ignores it. He continues with his story. After the third time (and yelling it out) he tells her he doesn't know his zipcode. She looks it up by city, and asks which it is. He says yeah, that's it. It's OK. This guy was probably about 75 or 80 years old, and I don't mind this kind of distraction.

After arriving home, I go to put the cable on the roof. That's a whole different story. Putting it on the way they say doesn't seem to go as far as they say it will on the box. I put it on a few times. It looks like I will have to tack it up some other way though, because the clips don't hold on so well. Maybe they would in warmer weather, but I don't have that opportunity. It was getting dark and I just wanted to get in the house.

Oh, my neighbor was walking by trying to get some people to go to a meeting tomorrow night with Kennecott about some Townhouses they are putting in close by me. There was other promises when we bought our home, so some of the neighbors are fighting with them. There was already the city council which didn't go in our favor, so now we are hoping that we can get something from Kennecott. This Daybreak community will suck the life out of you if you let it. It seems that they lied to the city council though. They told them that the townhouses would start in the $300K range. Well, some people in the neighborhood now have proof that they are starting in the $200K range. I don't know that we can do anything about that, but there it is.

Tonight, I wanted to watch a movie and just relax. My wife was trying to sleep, and there was too much noise. I fell asleep on the couch in an almost noiseless house. However, falling asleep made it so there was a lot of noise. Without that CPAP, my snoring is unbearable. I get woke up and told to go to bed proper.


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