Sunday, October 22, 2006

Computer Desk

Nothing much has happened over the weekend. Saturday, we got a call from the Young Men president asking if my son would like to go to the BYU game. He was able to go with the priests and a few teachers. They had a good time. I had to get outside and mow the lawn since it has been two weeks since I last mowed it. While I was finishing that up, we got a phone call from Larry Lowder. He had a computer desk that he wanted to unload. We decided to take it even though he damaged it a little bit getting it taken apart. Thankfully, Larry also came over and helped me put the thing together. This avoided all kinds of cuss words from coming out of my mouth. Before we did that though, I had to take apart the two computer systems I had on my current desk. This is always a pain.

I had to go to Home Depot to get a couple of angle brackets so we could take care of the pieces that were broken. I have it altogether now, and it looks pretty good. My son helped me put the computers back together (he had to take on a bit more because I had another asthma attack). The room was still a mess though.

Today came and went. In the Deacons quorum, the president forgot that he was supposed to give the lesson. Lance talked a bit to us while his son (the president) hurried and looked through the lesson manual so he could give us a lesson. It was on every member a missionary. All in all it came out OK.

Our stake representative wanted to talk to us briefly (brief with this guy is never brief) and talked to us well into Sunday School. My wife poked her head in the door telling me to come into the marriage class. He said we would just be a few minutes. It was definitely more than a few minutes. I got to the last of the Sunday School class, which was maddening to me (and my wife) because I really wanted to be with her in this class. The lesson was on forgiveness.

The sacrament meeting talks were all given by the priests quorum. Of course, their advisor said a few words, and then the bishop said a few words. It's too bad, I was kind of looking forward to getting out early.

Not much was going on at home. We needed to get some things cleaned up from yesterday, so my son moved the TV onto a new table (part of my old computer desk) and we moved the TV stand downstairs (where it will likely collect dust). We got the den together and it is looking better than it has in a long time. Thank goodness that my son is so good about taking care of this kind of thing. Too bad he doesn't keep his room looking so clean. We still need to move the old desk into my sons room where he can put his TV and fish tank on, freeing up two more tables which will more than likely go downstairs (although one of them may go into our room for a nightstand). One of these days, I still need to clean out the third car garage as well as the basement. That will all have to happen some other day. I will definitely need a mask to try and keep the asthma from overtaking me.


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