Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fear Factor

Work was kind of long and drawn out today. I had a few things to do, but not a whole lot. All of my stuff seems to be running pretty good and smoothly. I did have to add some new fields to the datawarehouse, and I even did the programming for those fields. The main problem with this is, I don't even have the data yet to put into those fields, so it is impossible to test. It's a pain waiting on others for things like this.

There was a little bit of snow coming down when I left work today. Nothing to write home about really, but it was there. Soon after arriving home we took our kids to their piano lessons. My wife had to get back in time to get a few things prepared for the combined activity in Young Men/ Young Women. I picked up the kids from their piano and we came home to have some hotdogs. Not much, but at least it was something.

My wife went over to the church early and we received some calls of my kids friends to see if they could get a ride over to the church. I picked them up and headed over. After arriving, I found that my wife had volunteered me to take over one of the booths (I guess that's the price you pay to have both of you in callings dealing with the youth). For this fear factor, there were six different booths set up. One was an obstacle course where you had a group (about six) who would pick a leader who would not be blindfolded to lead you through the course. It was a timed event. As part of the timing each individual had to put on the blindfolds, and then hold his or her hands out to get tied to both sides of him/her (unless you were on one of the two ends). Then, the leader would lead you through the course (which consisted of zigzagging between chairs, and then crawling under tables). At the end, they had to sit on a balloon and pop it. Fairly simple, but the bishop decided to get in the way. He interfered wherever he could (this was not part of the plan).

Another event was eating chocolate pudding mixed with olives (and being the first to complete this without using your hands). The event I was at had people bobbing for water balloons in a bowl of water with your mouth. I found that after each group (usually three people) I had to empty the water and get new water because it was getting disgusting. One group had some jello (green of course) mixed with rice and raisins, and another was some bubble gum that had been flavored with strawberry syrup (to give the gum a wormy look) that you had to eat and blow a bubble with. One of the events had nothing to do with fear, but was putting puzzles together. Each young man or young woman went and did each of the events. 100 grand bars were given out at the end of all of this.

Of course, lastly, they had the leaders do it all. The women were against the men. They told us that it was no fair to interfere with them when they were doing the obstacle course. Of course the bishop and a couple of boys chose too anyway. When the men had to do this, all the girls ended up interfering far worse than any of the guys interfered with the women. The women got through in 1:15, and the men finished in 57 seconds. I was able to get out of the rest because they wanted only four, so I was able to watch. I dare say that the adults were much worse behaved than any of the youth. At the bubble gum table their ended up being a war of worms being thrown about. Well, it was an interesting evening.

After leaving, I had to go back to the church to pick up some socks that my wife had left there. I talked to a couple of people and then left the building. There was a truck out in the parking lot and a girl in the ward kind of talked to the guy saying that she didn't know where the boys had run. I had my suspicions immediately as to who the boys were. I didn't even know their crime yet. I talked to him, and he told me that something had come over the fence and hit his house. I asked if it was waterballoons and was told that he did see a waterballoon on his property. He was really mad. I told him that I was pretty certain as to who the boys were. He told me that if I would take care of it, he would go home and check for cracks in his window. He did not want to know the name of the boys.

The reason I knew who had done it was because they were throwing the waterballoons at each other just before I left, and my son was one of them. My son left (with me) before the attack on this guys home. One of the boys has a personal dislike for this guy. We saw them in the park kind of running, and he had his headlights on the boys before he left. From this distance you could not accurately tell who they were. I went over and talked to them, telling them it wasn't too smart to do what they had done. They were sure it was a harmless prank, and it was, but I asked them what they would think if they were sitting in their home and all of a sudden heard a thunk, thunk, thunk on their home. As is common among boys, they had not thought about that. I told them that it was a dangerous game they were playing and that they should not do that in the future. One of the boys was concerned enough to ask me if I was going to tell his parents. I told them that I wouldn't, and I also did not want them doing anything like that again. Of course, they probably will, as they are young yet.


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