Sunday, October 29, 2006


Well, another couple of days have gone by. There really isn't too much going on though. The first thing of significance that happened would be starting with Friday evening. After my kids got home from school, we went and picked up my sons good friend, Craig. He was going to be sleeping over that night so we could celebrate my sons birthday on Saturday (even though the actual birth date would be this Monday).

After getting some food into them (we went with Chinese), we invited one of my daughters friends over and then watched Monster House. That was kind of a cute movie. I took the movie back and tried to find Hocus Pocus. It wasn't available (as we suspected it may not be). Instead, I picked up Flowers in the Attic (I enjoyed that move - along with the books - many years ago). The kids did some dance dance revolution for awhile and then ran outside to play some kind of game out there. It was some game that included hiding. When my daughter was hiding on the front porch, I poked my finger through the blinds and starting to do a slow tap, tap, tap... She looked around and tried to figure out what was going on. Not being able too, she ran out and got caught. When she found out it was me that made her get scared, thus making her get caught, she was kind of mad at me (well a mock kind of mad). We finally sent my daughters' friend (Camry) home. We told the boys not to stay up too late and went to bed ourselves.

Saturday morning, we got up and out by 10:00 AM. We all headed out to Boondocks (except for my wife) to play there. I had a three hour pass, and bought the kids all day passes. This went against what my wife and I had discussed (dealing with my free pass) and made it so one or the other of us would have to sit out. She was a bit angry with me for that.

At Boondocks, we started out on the miniature golf course, and then moved on to the Go-carts. We did the Go-carts a couple of times and then went in and played some arcade games. After that, it was Laser Tag. We went back and forth among some of this stuff and had a general good time. I had to quit at 1:00 because my three hours was up. The kids continued to play. We had some pizza, and then some more play. We got home around 3:30. I then ran to pick up some bread bowls I had ordered for my sons birthday party tomorrow.

After a little bit of time at home, we headed out for the Clavinova festival that my kids were both in. We wondered if we would be a little bit late because we realized that the place was kind of far from our home. I was in a little bit of trouble with that as well. We did make it on time, and talked with some of our friends there during the concert. It was a fun concert, and we enjoyed that. We decided that since we were so close to Pam and Annes house that we ought to go over there. They even gave us some dinner (which was quite good - as usual).

Well, today was another day. I got pulled over in priesthood meeting and asked what I thought about my son being the Teachers quorum president. I told them that I thought that was a good idea, and that it would be good for my son, and I think he will shine in the calling. I let my wife in on this too.

Deacons quorum was on testimony. Lance had Brother Russell and Mike stand up and tell of how they got their testimonies. I volunteered mine as well as I thought it had relevance to what was going on there. He ran out of time to do his lesson, so he will be giving it again next week. After talking with Lance and Mike for a bit, I found my wife and we headed home to take care of a few things for the party tonight.

Sacrament meeting was quite good today. It was a farewell as well as one other speaker (she took up almost the whole meeting time). I felt the spirit within me (despite my kids who were misbehaving).

In preparing for people to come over, I got in an argument with my wife. It was terrible. I lost my temper and said some things that I am ashamed of. I lost control. Anyway, I apologized as best I could to my wife as well as my kids (who of course heard me lose it) and hope that I will be forgiven by each of them.

My in-laws came over with Pam, and Anne brought her daughter Kiki (who wants to drive everywhere with that learners permit). They brought a wonderful cake for the party. We had bread bowls with either cheese soup or chili (each persons choice) and chatted around the table. My son, of course, was waiting to receive his gifts.

Finally, we went into the family room and started giving the gifts out. He got an airsoft rifle (along with a gun) from Pam and Anne. Money from his grandparents, and I gave him a cheap plane that I had bought for about eight dollars. He had mentioned that he wanted a remote control plane as one of his gift options. We let him wonder about that for a bit, and then I went and got the keyboard that we had bought him. It was a hit.

There was some general fooling around, and then all of them left. I took the dog for a walk to get out in the air because my asthma was threatening to overtake me. I walked slow because of that, and it seemed to help clear everything out with the cold night air.


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