Thursday, September 16, 2010

Travis College - Layoffs at Work - Meghan Heart Monitor and other stuff

It's been over a month. There is no way that I can catch up everything. I'll try to remember things that happened and put them here.

The first thing I will write about is that we took Travis out to Snow College. He seems to be enjoying his time there at school. He did have to change a bowling class to a swimming class because he found out that the bowling class is about a mile away and getting there on time every day was just too much.

In the meantime we had a family picture. Since Eileen was here in Salt Lake because of the pending marriage of her daughter, we were able to get together to get a picture together. We realized that some of the people wouldn't be able to be there, and we moved around to arrange a place that we could photoshop some of them into the picture later. The picture was taken in a couple of ways. Of course two of my three kids were not in the picture.

A few days after that picture, we were able to go to the marriage of Karen. I took the day off of work for this and we had a pretty good time. My wife was tired so she wasn't able to attend the reception that evening and I went alone (our daughter was doing Marching Band).

A couple of weeks ago, I was called at work by my wife to tell me that our daughter had passed out at school. They also said that she had had a seizure. The seizure part turned out to be more than likely false. We did find, however, that our daughter was low on blood sugar (hypoglycemic) and that she was dehydrated (she took two bags in an IV to hydrate). At one point they had her stand up and she was wanting to lay back down as she felt her head would explode and she wasn't doing well. After we had her to the ER we had to take her to a doctors office to get a heart monitor. She had to wear that thing until this last Monday and it was constantly sending stuff from the monitor to a cell phone (through blue tooth) and on to a company that monitors that kind of thing. They were looking for arrhythmia's. We still need to get the results to that.

With all of that going on, we did go to the Bingham Alta game to keep our eye on her and enjoyed watching a good game at the Rice/Eccles stadium.

On Labor Day weekend, we were able to go pick up our son from school and go to the cabin. We got a couple of pictures of him while he was there (and by that I mean about 100). A couple of those pictures were so we can photoshop them into the family picture. Others were so we could have some pictures of him with our daughter so we can cherish them in his absence. Of course, there was Swiss Days and that type of thing as well.

Another thing that has happened is that we had Verizon (a phone company) that wanted to build a 69 foot cell phone antennae in our neighborhood at the park. I got the Scouts to go to a meeting on that and a bunch of us spoke out against that. I think what we did must have worked because we were able to get Verizon to relook at that issue and they moved the tower to a commercial area (in some storage units). We were glad for that.

Another thing of note should be the layoff that happened at my work. The economy is down, so we had layoffs in order to come into compliance with that economy. Nineteen people were layed off including two in my department. I wasn't one of them. I hate it when this kind of thing happens. I will have to watch what I do to make sure that something like this doesn't happen to me (hopefully). I feel bad for those that lost their jobs.

Finally, I will say that I was pulled into the bishoprics office and released from my church job as Assistant Scout Master. I was put onto the Scout Committee instead.

Well, that's about it for the month. I'm sure there is a lot more, but my memory isn't so good, especially when I don't write here for so long.


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