Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future
Once again, it's been awhile since I last put anything in here. It's not that nothing has been going on, but rather, I have been quite busy.
At work, I have started to take a Java class. At times I feel kind of lost in there as it is a different kind of programming language than any I have ever done. I think it will come as I get into it later (this is the route my office is going to be taking), but in the meantime I will be a bit lost. I also get most of the concepts as I am reading other peoples code. At some point though, I will have to create some real code (as opposed to what we have been doing in class), and I just hope that I will be ready at that time.
Our son is still down at Snow College. He says that college life is agreeing with him. He seems to like it although it looks like he is being a bit of a loner (even down there). He says he is doing a good job in his classes. When we last had him here, we had him go into the dentist so he could get the dentist paperwork done for his mission. It looks like he will need his wisdom teeth out, and he doesn't seem to like that idea too much.
Our daughter has been plugging along in Marching Band at Bingham High School. They are in open class this year, so competition has been rough. They felt good this last week to take 3rd place out of four high schools that are in the class. She also seems to be doing well in school. She is getting ready to go to California with the Marching Band and is looking forward to doing that at the end of this week. She will also be going to her first dance (it was girls choice) and is looking forward to that. The one other thing is that she is spending a lot of her time with a boy named Mike. He seems to be a pretty good kid and he treats her well.
My wife and I are plugging along at our marriage and at times it seems that things are going pretty rough. When I feel that we are making progress something almost always happens to knock it back again. It makes me wonder if this is Satan who would try to come in and destroy a good thing. Heaven knows, I love my wife more than anything or anyone in the world. I pray that things will work out between us. I am in this thing for the long haul.
My brother Larry is going in for a procedure today on his heart. I sure hope that goes well as well.
Oh, and one final thing... We got the family picture.
I'm sure there is a lot that I am missing, but until I get better at writing in a journal, this is going to have to do. Time keeps on Slipping into the Future.
At work, I have started to take a Java class. At times I feel kind of lost in there as it is a different kind of programming language than any I have ever done. I think it will come as I get into it later (this is the route my office is going to be taking), but in the meantime I will be a bit lost. I also get most of the concepts as I am reading other peoples code. At some point though, I will have to create some real code (as opposed to what we have been doing in class), and I just hope that I will be ready at that time.
Our son is still down at Snow College. He says that college life is agreeing with him. He seems to like it although it looks like he is being a bit of a loner (even down there). He says he is doing a good job in his classes. When we last had him here, we had him go into the dentist so he could get the dentist paperwork done for his mission. It looks like he will need his wisdom teeth out, and he doesn't seem to like that idea too much.
Our daughter has been plugging along in Marching Band at Bingham High School. They are in open class this year, so competition has been rough. They felt good this last week to take 3rd place out of four high schools that are in the class. She also seems to be doing well in school. She is getting ready to go to California with the Marching Band and is looking forward to doing that at the end of this week. She will also be going to her first dance (it was girls choice) and is looking forward to that. The one other thing is that she is spending a lot of her time with a boy named Mike. He seems to be a pretty good kid and he treats her well.
My wife and I are plugging along at our marriage and at times it seems that things are going pretty rough. When I feel that we are making progress something almost always happens to knock it back again. It makes me wonder if this is Satan who would try to come in and destroy a good thing. Heaven knows, I love my wife more than anything or anyone in the world. I pray that things will work out between us. I am in this thing for the long haul.
My brother Larry is going in for a procedure today on his heart. I sure hope that goes well as well.

Oh, and one final thing... We got the family picture.
I'm sure there is a lot that I am missing, but until I get better at writing in a journal, this is going to have to do. Time keeps on Slipping into the Future.
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