Monday, April 30, 2007


Today is my daughters birthday. She turned thirteen. I can no longer call her a pre-teen. There wasn't too much that we did for it, but my wife tells me that she has been preparing all day for it. My daughter really likes crescent rolls stuffed with a chicken-spinach mixture (half a can of cream of mushroom soup mixed in) and a sauce that is made of the other half a can of the cream of mushroom soup mixed with sour cream and heated over a burner. My wife had to pick up the ingredients for that and also made a cake. We decided to try a cool-whip frosting and that came out tasting really good as well.

After dinner, my daughter opened up a couple of cards from her grandparents, and then opened up the two gifts we had. We got her a nice Nikon L11 digital camera along with a two gigabyte card. Though the camera was less expensive than my Olympus camera, I think it is a better camera than my camera is. It's kind of terrible when the kids get something that is better than what you have. But, it was either that or get her a cheap camera that wouldn't be much good. She has enough money also to go out and get a lot of nice clothes.

My wife and I headed out for a walk tonight (after cake of course) with our son. Immediately we started to talk with one of the neighbors that was delivering things for the Relief Society event this Thursday. They have their house up for sale and if they sell it before their other house is built they will have to move into their trailer again. They had been offered a couple of places to go, but two of the places have as many kids as they have and they decided that 16-18 kids is just too many to have at any one place for too long of a period of time. The other place they were offered was in the basement of the Greys who have a huge home with a swimming pool in the basement. This would be ideal as the Greys also had a child that had palsy just like their 18 year old daughter does. It is quite accessible. Sister Gustavos was a bit worried that her kids would make too much noise and isn't comfortable with that. We told them that if their trailer would fit back behind our house, they are welcome to use that space if needed. She is quite positive about that one and if it comes down to it, I think they very well may move in for a few months. We'll just have to see what happens there.

My son decided not to walk with us because we talk too long. We went on the walk, and ran into the Dastrups and talked too long there as well. When we got home, Melina was still at our house and her dad finally called for her to come on home. We then watched the last hour of "The Mormons" a documentary that starts tonight and goes on tomorrow night as well. From what I saw of it, it has been a fair program to the LDS church coming from an outsider who tried to get all information both pro and con. It went over the early history of the LDS church. It will be interesting to see the rest of this tomorrow night.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Friday was my day off at work. I spent the morning with my wife and we enjoyed our time together. We went out for some lunch at TGIF and then went to run a couple of errands. We bought a cheesecake with some fruit so we could make us a nice dessert. We just enjoyed the time we had together.

When the kids got home from school, my daughter had her friend, Melina over. Melina would be staying the night as part of my daughters birthday party. We did go to the video store and picked up a couple of movies. The one that they wanted to see was, "A Night at the Museum". We just had corndogs for dinner and then my wife and I were basically booted out of the family room so they could watch their movie.

Saturday morning, we went out to Boondocks as soon as it opened up. We had some $25 certificates that I was able to buy for $17 at That made it a bit more worth it, but then they screwed up at the registers and we didn't catch the screw up until after we had lunch. The guy didn't count our money correct so we paid an extra $25. I was able to go to management, and they found my receipt and gave me back the one $25 certificate. This was a bit maddening because we had paid cash for a couple of other things. We ended up using the $25 towards max flight (a flight simulator or roller coaster). It paid for four of us to go on that. I didn't even get sick and throw up or anything.

We did our share of racing on the tracks. Some did the climbing walls, and of course there is the miniature golf. The kids also did some laser tag. We had some lunch in there and a little later gave them some mint brownies for a happy birthday. We then came home for a little while.

While we were eating dinner, I mentioned that Melina had talked to her father about the possibility of us going out there again, and he said it was OK. My wife said she was too tired to go, and I said I would take them and she could stay home. I should've discussed this in private with my wife before suggesting such a thing. She wanted to spend time with us as a family and was simply too tired to go back. Of course to not let us go, she would look bad, but she was angry. Anyway, I went back with the kids and we got home around 9:30 in the evening.

Sunday morning came along, finding me a bit stiff. My son went over to the church for a presidency meeting and not finding anybody else, he came home. While he was walking home, I got a call asking me where he was. I told them that he was at the church, and soon after I hung up he came walking through the door. I drove him back for his meeting and caught them leaving. It was only the leaders of the Teachers quorum. They did go in and have the meeting and dropped him off at home again.

My wife and I had made an appointment to see somebody in the stake presidency for our temple recommends at noon. We got there on time and nobody was in the stake offices. We sat around for about 20 minutes. Finally, I called into the stake offices to leave a voice mail and the phone was answered. President LaMunyon had just barely arrived and he let us in the door. I went in and interviewed with him and when we came out my wife was gone (interviewing with another member of the stake presidency). I talked with President LaMunyon for a little while and he got to know me just a bit better. It was good, but we were there too long (because of the wait).

We arrived home just in time to get our family back over to church for our Sunday meetings. Nothing of interest really happened at church to report on.

After arriving home, we all got our own separate dinners, and I had asked about the cheese cake. My wife, in her anger and to get my attention had thrown the rest of it away. She wanted me to know how it felt when somebody did something that was insensitive and senseless. The point was taken, although I thought hers was just out of meanness, where mine was simply not thinking things through properly. Anyway, there are no hard feelings now about it (though I was pretty mad at the time).

We went for a walk a little bit later and took an old bike of my daughters to a neighbor who was looking for bikes for their grandkids. Not much else to talk about now.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Baseball game

Last Friday at work, I was once again offered some tickets for a Bees game. It was in the suite. I picked up four tickets for that.

Saturday, I was going to go out and mow the lawn, but my wife reminded me that I couldn't yet because we had been waiting for nature to water in the fertilizer that my son had put down a few days previous. So, I watered the lawn instead. I also talked to my two neighbors about getting a fence up between us (isn't that the way life is, somebody moves in and we immediately build fences). I called out to the company (Vinyl Industries) to have my salesman call me up so we can get this thing started. He did finally call, and it looks like we are four weeks out instead of the two he had told us about previously. This is a little maddening because my wife and I will probably be out of town when they do it.

We took a nice walk around the neighborhood and talked to a couple of people and then headed out for the Bees game. We were the first to arrive at the suite. The food they had there was good as usual, and we all ate. Of course we had to share with the others that came. My kids didn't fight while they were there, and we had an all around good time. Talking with the others that were in the suite was also nice.

Sunday, Dee Anne was feeling tired and worn out. She wouldn't be able to make it to church. I talked with Brother Bean about getting us a budget. I was informed that the ward doesn't have its budget yet from the church. So, we are going to have to try and plan somewhat blind. I also asked if we could get Lori Frandsen to be a committee member. I was told that she may be able to do that, but did have another minor calling that she would be called to today. That calling was Gospel Doctrine instructor. The Mays were also called to help us out on the committee. We need to hurry up and get a few ideas for a summer party. I just don't quite know what to do there.

Aubree called me back on Sunday and made me a bit nervous. She started telling me of a guy that she is dating. She has only been dating him for two weeks, and I thought she was going to tell me about an upcoming marriage. She didn't do that, and laughed when I told her what I was thinking. She said that she would not be married before she was 25 (she is 21 now). He is not LDS, and I am concerned that the church doesn't mean as much to her as I think it ought to mean. That night, I was put into a bit of a depression on me not being a very good father to her. My wife comforted me as best she could. I know that it has been a long distance relationship for practically my whole daughters life, but I still wondered what I could've done better. Deep down, I know there isn't a lot that I could've done, but then there are still those doubts. I was in tears just before going to sleep. Thank God my wife held me in this time of turmoil.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Marriage Counseling

I was given some extra things to do at work. They wanted to know if we wanted to be a part of a test this weekend with our data warehouse. They had not really given us ample time to see what would be needed. In the long run, we decided that we could do everything that was needed, but it is not documented amply in case two of us are disabled. So, I will not be doing the test this weekend, but need to have documentation ready for the next test of this sort that will happen in October. The documentation shouldn't be too difficult, but it is something that I dislike doing.

Soon after arriving home tonight, my wife and I took off to go see a marriage counselor. His name is Bill, and we both like him. In the drive over there, my wife told me of her nervousness to see him, and I kind of felt the same way, although I think my wife had more concerns about it than I did.

This is something that we were able to go to free of charge to us because of my employment. It is one of the benefits. We sat with Bill for an hour and discussed some of the issues that have been going on in our marriage. Overall, I think the session went well. He gave me some homework to answer some questions from my wife. I kind of knew what they were too, but when I got home, I wanted to know if I had it correct so asked my wife. She said that she wasn't sure what questions it was that I was supposed to answer in a couple of weeks. The other homework he gave us was to go out together for at least an hour in the week and don't talk about family, finances, religion or any of that type of stuff. He feels that it is an hour that we should simply notice the stars or the flowers while holding hands.

We set up another appointment with him for two weeks (but on Saturday).

On the way home, we decided to go and see the area that a coworker of mine has moved too (he is actually in the process of moving in). We got there, and I thought it was a terrible place to be. It looked to me like an awful location. In talking with another coworker, he was told that they really don't like this home, but it is convenient. The only convenience I see is that he could walk to work from there. Oh well, to each his own.

We arrived home and I started to change my clothes so I could fertilize my lawn. For some reason, my son wanted to do that. I let him go out and do that after telling him what needed to be done. This saved me from having to do it.

We left the kids at home again to go to Sister Lambournes house to see what she had for the activities committee. She told us that the previous ward did four events each year (we were only told of two). There is usually one in about March, and then the ward camp-out in June or July. The other two are one that is down around September and of course the other in about December. This concerned my wife quite a bit because it was more than we were originally told about. Well, we need to call in and get the stake center for a Christmas thing anyway. We also have to figure out an activity or two to get this ward up and off the ground. She did have some great ideas and told us that she would help us anywhere we needed her too because she loves doing this stuff.

We got home from that, and talked a bit about what we had learned, and where we need to go with this calling. It is scary to my wife, but we need to figure this thing out as soon as we can.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Family Home Evening

Not too much has happened over this past weekend. Sunday was a long day for my wife and I because we had to go to the first ever correlation meeting at the ward. It lasted almost two hours. The promise is that this won't be happening on a regular basis, but there was a lot to try to get done. Everybody is in their new callings and we, as a ward, are moving. Of course, my wife and I hadn't been sustained quite yet along with a couple of others in there too.

I am being introduced to people in the Elders quorum since they really aren't used to seeing me in there. I guess I have been with the deacons so long that a lot of the people don't really know me. Both weeks that I have attended Elders quorum I was asked to give the closing prayer.

Sunday School was quite enjoyable as well. Then, in Sacrament meeting we got sustained, along with a bunch of other people in the ward. I still don't know who is in what calling. Soon after arriving home, we got a call from Sister Lambourne. She was the old activity committee chair and she says that she has some things for us. My wife and I were kind of tired so couldn't get over today. That five hours of church really wore us out. We didn't even go to get set apart. We need to do that next week.

Today was a pretty good day at work. I was asked by Brad (the boss) if I would like to go out to lunch along with the rest of my row. The excuse that was used was for making us move our cubicles around. We went to the Lonestar and had a good lunch.

Soon after arriving home, my wife showed me some things that she had written down about our son. I added a couple of things and then based on that list of good qualities I wrote up some things about our son that we could give to him. My wife had already written up one on the qualities of our daughter. It was one that was supposed to be given to her a couple of weeks ago at Young Women, but because we were at a piano recital she didn't receive it.

For family home evening, we had a lesson on personal testimony (the same lesson that was given in priesthood meeting and relief society this week. When I was going over some of the stuff my daughter interrupted me and was going on about how she already knew all this stuff. It caused some contention. This is a bit upsetting because we haven't held FHE on a regular basis, and when we do, we get extra contention. We had to tell her that the lesson is not for her alone, but for the whole family, and that she shouldn't be acting this way. We really don't know what to do with her because when she gets this way it adds to the contention of the home. We are trying to do all we can to keep this contention out.

At the end of FHE we gave the kids their letters that we had written and left it at that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


First of all, I am going back to Tuesday evening. After I got home from work, my wife came in and told me that I needed to get into my daughters room and start straightening it out a little bit because she would have the young women (beehives) coming over and going in there. I, being the dutiful husband, went in to the disaster area to see what could be done. My wife had some hair to be doing and didn't come in to help me. She did tell me that my daughter also had quite a bit of homework so was a bit stressed about it all. I didn't clean that much, when my daughter came in with Melina (her best friend across the street) and told me that I could leave now, and she would take care of it. She did get it all cleaned, but heaven help them if they open her closet doors.

After our kids left for Young Men/Young Women, my wife and I sat down to watch some TV. When the beehives didn't show for quite awhile my wife was worried that she had said too much to the leader so they may not come over to our house and then our daughter would be upset. They did finally come, and we were glad for that. April Morden mentioned that she would like to sneak around our house to look at it as she hasn't really ever had that chance. My daughter did get to show them a blanket that she has sewn, and told them about her knitting and other craft type of things that she does. It was good for her. My son played basketball and went around to get some of the non-members to come over to the church to play basketball with them.

Tonight, my wife and I had to get to the bishops office for a calling. I thought my wife was the one getting the calling, but it was really both of us. Bishop Sanford called us in and we had a brief chat and then he told us that we were being called to be the Activity Committee chairpersons. He will be giving us some names of people that we can call upon to help us out in our endeavor. The concern my wife has is that she has fibromyalgia, and get tired at times. She tends to go in waves with that. She is also concerned that I may not help out in the way I should. She is hoping that she is wrong (and I'm going to do everything in my power to prove her so) and that this will work out. She also kind of wanted a calling for her rather than for us.

Anyway, I guess we'll have to see what happens from here. We are to go to Ward Correlation meeting Sunday morning (even though we haven't been sustained yet) and at least let the people know who we are. I guess each organization is an organization that we can call on for help as we make these plans. It really looks like there are only two real activities. One in the Summer and one around Christmas time. It shouldn't be too difficult of a challenge, other than coming up with the ideas of what to do for the activities.

One thing we were told is that our names had been left out there for any organization to pick from, but they said that they were glad that nobody had taken us because this is something that they felt would be good for us. I sincerely hope they are right.

When we came home, the kids asked us what it was we were doing, and when we told them, my daughter just laughed at us saying "eh huh". Well, I just thought I had better right about it now. I'll have to look online and see if there are any helps out there for this kind of calling. We probably also need to get the adult dinners going.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Yesterday was Easter. My wife had simply hidden some pieces of paper with our kids names on them rather than messing around with any kind of hiding of candy and eggs. Our house was still in shambles from the painting so there wasn't a lot of sense in doing any of that. They then got to go find their basket after that. It wasn't much, but they wanted to search for something. My wife and I got them a more religious themed Easter than a candy themed one. They got some books and my daughter got a CD.

We got dressed up for church and headed over to my in-laws house (this was the final compromise) so that we could go to church with my mother-in-law. My son was coughing a lot, so we let him simply go to the house and rest while my daughter, my wife, and I went to church (only Sacrament meeting). We got greeted by some of the people who knew us there. My daughter asked me how come her other grandpa was known so well in this ward (which wasn't his ward). I told her that many years ago, many of these people were in my dads ward and then it split. Plus, my dad was a pretty well known man in the stake. He was a counselor in the stake presidency and had also been in the high council for many years, and is currently a stake patriarch in that stake. Anyway, there were only the two talks and one musical number and we were out. The meeting was pretty good. It was also interesting to not have so much noise as our ward makes. They just don't have all the infants that my ward has. Of course, their ward was only about half the size of my ward is after the split.

We went back to the in-laws house and had some soup for a quick meal, and then kind of relaxed while a roast was being done. A few other people came over. We ended up having Pam and Anne, Jeff, Michelle, Colin, Nathan and Brandon over there. The roast was great. My kids had helped to put together some plastic easter eggs so that we could hide them. There were 36 eggs, each with one dollar plus some candy in them. We told each of the four children that they could pick up 9 eggs and then they were done. Colin being the littlest was to get to pick up those that were on the lawn.

We stayed over there till about 7:30 in the evening. Then, we came home.

Since my kids were out of school today for spring break, I took another day to stay at home. We were thinking of possibly going out to Daybreak so we could do some kayaking (we picked up Pams kayaks on Sunday). It was too cold and too stormy to do so. Instead, we decided that we had to go get my son some shoes so he could start to break them in for the trek he is taking in June with the Stake. We ended up getting four pair of shoes and spending about $150 on that. We then came home and let our kids call some friends to play. They just played the day away, and my wife started to put the house back together. I had to help her on a couple of things, but mostly needed to stay out of her way.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


With the kids gone, my wife and I were able to sleep in this morning. It was a much needed rest for both of us. We did finally get up and get moving. We took the dog for a walk and got home just in time to leave.

I was able to get four tickets from my work at the Bees game today. We went over and picked our kids up from the grandparents, and headed out to the Franklin Covey baseball stadium. At first it looked like we were going to be the only people in the suite and there was a ton of food there. They had the makings for Tacos, Nachos and Fajitas. We all had some, of course. Finally six other people came to the suite.

The game was good. We chose to leave at the top of the 9th inning. The Bees were ahead. We got out to our car and when we were leaving we saw the multitudes coming out. I guess that last inning it was 3 up and 3 out, because they were out so fast. We didn't beat the crowds as much as we thought we would. We came home from this, and really didn't do too much else with our day.

Friday, April 06, 2007


On Thursday, I went to work as normal. My kids had the day off of school because of spring break. This made it so I wouldn't have to go home early from work to be able to be there while the painter was there. My wife called me and told me that he took a look at the house and decided that he would have to roll the whole thing. This was better news than we thought we would get. We were afraid that our house would be splotchy because there were so many nail pops in the sheetrock and it is hard to match old paint to new paint. By the time I arrived home, the painter had left, but had rolled the family room, my sons room and my daughters room. My wife, of course had to clear the walls of pictures and other things for him to do this, so the house was kind of in shambles. My kids were complaining because they had to get up early on their day off.

My kids complained even more about today. They had to get up in time for the painter to be here by 7:00 AM. I took the day off because my wife had been dealing with all of this on a day by day basis and is getting sick and tired of it. We had to move a few things for the day of painting. The painter did arrive at the time he said he would. He painted the two hall ways, the stairs, the master bedroom and the den in full (that is, he rolled all the way to the ceiling and down to the floor boards). There wasn't any detail work that he had to do. He also touched up two bathrooms, and the laundry room. The kitchen he did a few sections in. We felt that he did a wonderful job and were very happy with this.

My in-laws came over to our house around 10:00 AM. They had to take in the dog to get it clipped and teeth cleaned. They were also going to take our son and daughter home with them when they left. My whole family went out to brunch with them around 11:00 with me staying home because the painter was there. My wife wasn't too pleased with the actions of her mother. We had already discussed that the kids would be home with us on Easter morning, but she tried to make my kids feel guilty because she had bought lots of Easter stuff for them. She was trying to get them to go against us so they could stay on Easter Sunday over at her house (that is from Saturday evening). Grandma Wach even made my daughter feel bad because she told her that originally she wasn't even supposed to be going over to their house. That's a terrible thing to throw at a 13 year old girl.

Well, they all came back home and stayed for a bit and then left. It was just my wife and I left at home. The painter finished painting, and got out as well. My wife and I took a nap, and really didn't do anything for the rest of today.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Today was a busy day at work. I was glad to finally be taking off for home. When I got home, my wife was making up some tacos for dinner. We had to eat earlier than normal so we could get to the kids piano recitals.

We got to the piano gallery early. We couldn't leave early enough to beat my mother-in-law though. Pam complained that mom always has to be the first person there. Anyway, we went in and got seats in the front few rows. There were only eight people performing in our session and one of those was sick. Amy took her place and played her piece because she likes it so much.

Our daughter got up to do her two piano pieces. The first piece went great, but when she was playing the second piece she had some struggles. Once she had messed up, she kept on messing up. I think it was because she was so frustrated with herself. She struggled all the way through that piece. We felt bad for her because we knew that it would be difficult for her. I was proud that she continued despite all of it. Things don't always go well.

Of course it didn't help that our son had his best performance ever. What he did up there was impressive (even to him). He flew through that performance. He doesn't like to be in piano lessons, but he does do quite well. As a matter of fact, when it was announced that this would be Makelle Goffs last performance he looked at us hopefully. Can it be mine too? We ended up telling him that we would like him to be able to sight read music and be able to play it if called on. He said he is going to work hard to do that.

After the recital, we talked with the Davis family. They are getting ready to move to Raleigh, North Carolina. My daughter says that she needs to have Sara come on over before they move (for her birthday at the end of this month). It sounded like it would be a couple of months before they move but they want a couple of addresses and phone numbers from us of a common friend as well as my sister-in-law. The old neighborhood that we used to live in is changing. There are a lot of people moving from over there.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Nail Pops

Work was busy today with trying to fix a few things that happened over the weekend. Gallagher Bassett stuff didn't come through so I tried to get it again. I didn't even see it running. That was maddening. It also caused Steve Newbold to come down.

I had to leave work a bit early so my wife could pick up the kids when Craig came over to finish up with the sanding of all the nail pops in our home. I did a few of the things that I had to do at work at home. I had to wear a mask because of all the dust in the house from the sanding. It was incredible. We sat around and talked to Craig for quite awhile after he was done. I don't think he is angry with us over all of this. He just gets particular at times. We also showed him a few nail pops that he had missed and got those taken care of.

Tonight, we had some Chinese food for dinner and then instead of family home evening, we had a night of playing "Scene It", the Disney version. That was kind of fun. Aubree gave me a call while we were doing this. I was glad to hear from her, and that she is doing OK. It had been two weeks since I heard from her. Well, there isn't too much else going on.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Conference Weekend

Going back to last Thursday, I got a call at work from my wife because the guy who is supposed to be fixing our nail pops was there. He was saying that since he had already fixed them (we asked that the same guy not be brought around) at our one year that he would not fix them. We knew there could be problems with this when we tried to get Perry Homes to fix the problem, but thought that we had overcome all of that. I got on the phone with him (his name is Craig also) and told him that we had gotten the OK from Perry Homes as well as from (as it turns out) his father. He was still refusing to do the work because it was not warrantied. They only do the year thing as a favor to Perry Homes as a selling point. I got in a bit of an argument with him and told him that it would be a breach of verbal contract if his company did not do so, because his father had said they would. I also let him know that we didn't want him to come out to our home in the first place and we had asked for another in his stead. I told him of the last time he came with mud on his feet. He told me that he always takes his shoes off so he knew I was lying. That wasn't really the point of any of this, so when his father called him on his cell phone, I let him go. I talked with my wife for a bit and heard her talk with Craig about what was going to be done. It looked like he would do it, but he wasn't very happy about it. I left work early to get home while he was there.

Friday was my normal day off, and my wife was going to be doing Anne and Marie's' hair. Pam came over with them and me, my son, my daughter, Pam, and Marie's son Sammy went out to breakfast at IHOP. We had a great breakfast and then came home. I went out looking for different options on cell phones. I mostly found that I don't like most of the family plans and find them to be quite expensive. I will look around to see what other kind of deals may or may not be out there. I got home to a house full of people, and had to do a few preparations for Craig to come out his second day to take care of nail pops. Most of the people in the house were watching "Happy Feet". I watched a bit of that, and then while they were watching the next DVD, I took my son over to his friends house (Craig). When I got home, Sammy was playing around with some of my sons stuff (namely his air soft guns). He was aiming it at Craig (the guy fixing the nail pops) and I had to grab it away from him. I had to keep him out of the hair and really didn't want him in our basement as we are simply not set up for a little active four year old kid. He wasn't happy with me, but then, I didn't expect him to be. Everyone finally left, and my wife was absolutely exhausted. She also felt that she didn't make enough money because Marie traded with her for her hair to be done in Mary Kaye products. My wife feels like she got too much in those products. My daughter went with Pam and Anne to their home till the next night.

Saturday morning came, and my wife was still tired. I spent some of the time giving her massages and the like to try and help her out with all the pains that came from a long day the day before. We watched General Conference in the morning, and enjoyed it. At noon, I called over to Craig's house to see when our son would be coming home. They said they would bring him home in a short time. We had a quick lunch and then watched the second session of conference. I really enjoyed everything about conference. It was nice. I did go to the store and missed the first part of Saturday afternoon. The tabernacle was rededicated during the afternoon session of conference. We went for a walk together between sessions.

Of course, my son was upset because he had to dress up in Sunday clothes in order to go to the Priesthood Session. That was also enjoyed by me, but my son was absolutely bored and the seats were hard. I took him to McDonalds for shakes after this. I also got one for my wife.

When I arrived home, I found that my wife had seen a guy aerating a lawn, and he was doing our lawn. She had discussed with me that we needed this to be done when we had gone on our walk earlier. We immediately got in our SUV and went to Bountiful to pick up our daughter. She wasn't happy that we were there because she wanted to spend another day there. They were too scared to ask me for that when I had called earlier. I guess I'm kind of grumpy. We visited for a bit and then came back home.

During conference on Sunday morning, I helped my wife to make a vegetable pizza that is made with crescent rolls and cream cheese. I love that. Once again, it was a great conference. I particularly liked the talk by Faust on forgiveness. It was particularly touching.

When that conference was over, we headed out to my brother Scott's' house. Since my parents and oldest brother are on a vacation in Europe, Scott decided to have the conference dinner and watching conference at his house. Almost everybody was there. We enjoyed our time there as well as the conference and then came home from that. This pretty much used up the day. There really isn't anything else to tell.