Monday, April 09, 2007


Yesterday was Easter. My wife had simply hidden some pieces of paper with our kids names on them rather than messing around with any kind of hiding of candy and eggs. Our house was still in shambles from the painting so there wasn't a lot of sense in doing any of that. They then got to go find their basket after that. It wasn't much, but they wanted to search for something. My wife and I got them a more religious themed Easter than a candy themed one. They got some books and my daughter got a CD.

We got dressed up for church and headed over to my in-laws house (this was the final compromise) so that we could go to church with my mother-in-law. My son was coughing a lot, so we let him simply go to the house and rest while my daughter, my wife, and I went to church (only Sacrament meeting). We got greeted by some of the people who knew us there. My daughter asked me how come her other grandpa was known so well in this ward (which wasn't his ward). I told her that many years ago, many of these people were in my dads ward and then it split. Plus, my dad was a pretty well known man in the stake. He was a counselor in the stake presidency and had also been in the high council for many years, and is currently a stake patriarch in that stake. Anyway, there were only the two talks and one musical number and we were out. The meeting was pretty good. It was also interesting to not have so much noise as our ward makes. They just don't have all the infants that my ward has. Of course, their ward was only about half the size of my ward is after the split.

We went back to the in-laws house and had some soup for a quick meal, and then kind of relaxed while a roast was being done. A few other people came over. We ended up having Pam and Anne, Jeff, Michelle, Colin, Nathan and Brandon over there. The roast was great. My kids had helped to put together some plastic easter eggs so that we could hide them. There were 36 eggs, each with one dollar plus some candy in them. We told each of the four children that they could pick up 9 eggs and then they were done. Colin being the littlest was to get to pick up those that were on the lawn.

We stayed over there till about 7:30 in the evening. Then, we came home.

Since my kids were out of school today for spring break, I took another day to stay at home. We were thinking of possibly going out to Daybreak so we could do some kayaking (we picked up Pams kayaks on Sunday). It was too cold and too stormy to do so. Instead, we decided that we had to go get my son some shoes so he could start to break them in for the trek he is taking in June with the Stake. We ended up getting four pair of shoes and spending about $150 on that. We then came home and let our kids call some friends to play. They just played the day away, and my wife started to put the house back together. I had to help her on a couple of things, but mostly needed to stay out of her way.


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