Sunday, March 18, 2007


Wow! A whole week has come and gone. I haven't written anything in here, because there really isn't anything for me to report on.

My son had a concert on Tuesday that I went too (my wife stayed home because she had some hair to do). They did a good job on the concert. My son told me of weaknesses on the way home.

Wednesday, I got threatened by Lance if I was not going to show up to the Combined Activity for the youth. He just didn't want to deal with all the little Deacons and Beehives on his own. I was thinking about possibly going to an orientation for my son at Bingham High School. There really aren't any really good reasons for going to that which I can think of. We went for the mini roadshow. I helped with the Deacons and Beehives, and it came out OK, although it should've been a whole lot better. I thought both the other groups did a better job than we did. We had the people, but didn't have enough time to work with any of them on an individual level. A huge mess of popcorn had to be cleaned up out of the church.

I talked with Don Shively (he's a counselor in the bishopric of the 1st ward) and he told me how overwhelmed he is with his new calling. He doesn't quite know what to think of it yet. He will do a good job there, I am sure.

It was either Thursday or Friday evening that I met the new people moving into the house next door. They don't live very far from my neighborhood already and only bought a new house so they would have room for their family. They seemed like a really nice couple and told me that they would be moving in at the end of this month or the first of next month. It will be good to have them here, because then they can work on the yard a little bit so it isn't an eyesore to the rest of the public.

Friday, I was home, so my wife and I went out to lunch at Applebees. We both had some french onion soup that we both thought was the worst french onion soup we had ever had. They did bring us out a new cup and that was a lot better.

Saturday was a morning of cleaning. First, my son and I went over to the ward house to set up chairs for stake conference. We also helped to clean the church house. When we arrived home, we started to help with the cleaning up of our house. We proved that if we all get busy and do things, we can get the house cleaned up in good order. Not too much else happened except being a little bit lazy for the rest of the day.

Sometime on Saturday, my wife talked to her mother. It seems that Jeff had been up at the cabin (we aren't clear when this happened but it was for sure between November and now) and because of problems with the Pot Bellied Stove had an attic fire. He claims that he didn't tell anybody because he was going to go up and work on the cabin and have most of it fixed by the time anybody else got up there to relieve stress. That is, it is better to tell about the problem after you have done your remodeling. He had to tell his mom and dad because they were going for a drive up to there (it is remarkable that they told his son about that so they weren't completely caught off guard). Anyway, I would like to see how much damage there was, because it sounds rather substantial. You never know what to do about Jeff. Bad luck always seems to follow him around.

Today, we woke up too late and didn't really want to go to Stake Conference. We were just lazy for most of the day and then after we had dinner (my son and daughter cooked it up) we went over to my in-laws to spend the afternoon. We had a pretty good afternoon there and came on home.

Like I said, not too much has happened this week (well except we found out about the fire).


Blogger Julie Broadbent said...

Is this "Don Shively" from Anaheim, California? If so, tell him J. Shumway said Hi and wishes him the best.

PS - keep up the good work in your marriage. Definitely not easy. :)

7:16 PM  

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