Monday, February 19, 2007

The Twins

Well, a good portion of this last weekend was spent with the twins who came here from Las Vegas.

I was off work on Friday and my wife and I just spent the time together. After getting the kids home, we took our daughter to her friends house in West Jordan for a sleep over birthday party. They had snakes, scorpions, tarantulas and other critters for the girls to enjoy. My daughter says that she was brave and handled all that they would allow them to handle. We took our son over to the Wachs' house so we could meet up with the twins as well as have some dinner over there. We had a good visit. Of course, we left our son with them and came on home. We also started to take care of the Mordens' dog for this weekend.

Saturday came along and I headed over to pick up our daughter. She had had a good time and was wondering when we would go over to grandmas' house. I told her we would get there when we were all ready. After a little while at home, we were ready and headed out. I was asked to grab my sons PS2 stuff so he could play with it. A few more people came over this time and my son did not get to play on the PS2 all day (even though it was there). Casey took it over and really didn't allow for anything else to go on with it.

I headed out with Jeff to go back to our home so he could get bed frames and some other things for him to be living at Brandon's (his sons) house. We filled the van up with dressers and the like and then went to Brandon's house to drop it all off in the garage. We got back about in time for some dinner. That night, we left both of our kids at the Wach residence. We headed on home pretty late.

Sunday morning came along. I only went to priesthood meeting where we got a new presidency. Tevivi was called as the president of the deacons quorum and Jacob Gustavos was called as his first counselor. No second counselor was called yet because they weren't able to talk with him. Dallin Christiansen was called as the secretary.

My wife and I stayed home for a little while and then went back over to the Wach house. Once again there was dinner, and we found that our kids as well as the twins were going to head over to Pam and Anne's house for the night. Once again, we were on our own.

Today, we were going to go to Boondocks for a party. With it snowing during the night this made this so it wasn't going to happen. Instead they decided to see a movie. The movie they chose was Bridge to Terabithia (or something like that) and they were watching it a little earlier than we wanted to go and watch it. We declined. They thought it was because of the movie, but it was because of the time. They didn't let us know that they went to the later show, so we simply missed out on it, though they told us we didn't miss out on much. We decided to take care of the dog (even though the Mordens' were going to be home tonight) and then I called them to leave a message about feeding the dog. I didn't realize that the phone they use is their cell phone. I talked to April, and she said that it was good that we were going to take care of the dog because they were going to be another day because of the bad weather.

I got my exercise shoveling the walks, and then spent the day watching stupid TV shows and reading. We finally went back to the Wachs house to be with everyone. Dinner never hurts either. We just spent the evening there, and said goodbye to Zach and Casey (they are leaving tomorrow) and then headed out.

Tomorrow, Zach and Casey will be going to the UofU so Zach can see what's going on as far as his education. Zach will be back up here to go to school, and Casey will be going to NYU. This could be interesting, and I will enjoy having Zach here.

Well, that's about it.


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