Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Working from Home

Today was a bit frustrating to me. I had worked out that I could work from home so we could have the sheetrock guy come and look to see what was needed to be done to fix all those nail pops. I woke up and started to try to work from home around 5:45. I wasn't able to log on to my computer at work from home. This was maddening. I worked on that for quite awhile and then did a few other things.

My wife had to take my daughter to the dentist. Of course we had to take Meghan out of school for a couple of periods in order to accomplish this. I stayed home and waited and worked on trying to get my computer to work. I was talking to the help desk and at that time I was being called by Perry Homes to tell me that they couldn't make it out. I didn't realize they had left me a message so I continued to see what I could do. I really didn't want to take my machine in and have it re imaged as that would wipe out a lot of what I have.

My wife got home just after 10:00. Perry Homes was supposed to be at our place between 9:30 - 10:00. The first thing my wife did was see that there was a message on our phone. I wish I would've realized that, as I could've gone into work a bit earlier.

Since I was supposed to be working from home and couldn't, I headed into work. They were surprised to see me, but there were things that I had to do. I was glad to get all that stuff accomplished.

I remained a bit upset all day because of Perry Homes and their not showing up when I had made special arrangements. I was also told by them that they would fix the house to "industry standard". He particularly didn't like that we found a lot of them by using a flashlight. I just hope that the sheet rocker gets it all fixed up. I'll try not to be in too bad of a mood.


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