Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hearing Test

Well, it's been another week again. I'm just not all that good at taking care to write here. Once again, I find myself trying to go back and remember what has been going on all week. Once again, I find myself kind of blank as to all the things that have happened. I'll try to figure out a little bit of it, and am certain I'll miss quite a bit.

The first thing that I can recall was Wednesday. Tuesday evening, my wife was saying that she had nothing going on for Wednesday so I made the decision to stay home and make it a day for the two of us. We really didn't go out and do too much, but did have a nice lunch together at the Olive Garden. We also decided to go to the South Jordan City Hall to find out about the inspections that were done on our home while it was being built. Because of the GRAMMA act we had to sign certain papers so we could get access to the rest of the information. This was suggested to us by some people at the Home Depot where we had gone for advice on all the nail pops that have been happening at our place.

Soon after arriving home from all of that and just watching a little bit of TV (cuddled up), we got a call from Bob Wright at Perry Homes. He asked if it would be OK to come out and look at our nail pops tomorrow (Thursday) at 11:00. We said that would be great. My wife and I started to look around for some of the nailpops and mark them. Most of the pops can be seen in shadows at night, so we wanted the evening to look at them as well. Of course, we had to get the kids to and from piano lessons, and also Young Men/Young Women. We stayed home from this so we could look at all the nail pops to the best of our ability. After about 6 hours of marking them (we have a ton), we gave up. It's difficult. We looked by flashlight because the shadows show them up better. I had some asthma, so my wife did more work on it than I did.

I made it so I could work from home on Thursday so I could be there when Bob Wright and another guy came to look. When they were in the den, the other guy says "Wow!, that's a lot." We told him that he was seeing one of the areas that had less than others. Bob says, "I don't see any, do you?", at which point my wife felt like strangling him. I told him I could get the ladder so he could get up on it and feel the pops. Of course there is also problems with the perfa tape. The other guy felt some of the problems. We also told them that we had marked some of the areas that they had come and fixed (at the year end mark) that were done badly as well.

After spending some time in our home they decided on who would be the best person to come and fix what they could. They said something about 50/50, and I wasn't clear as to what they were talking about. Bob also asked us why we had an inspector come look at our house previous to the year end mark. As if that was any of his business. Well, we felt good that at least they are going to come out and do something (how much we have as yet to see).

Friday was my day off (as I do every other week). My wife and I just had a nice time spending the day together. We did go to a hearing test for me though. My wife has been complaining that I don't always hear her. I have told her that I hear fine, but she needs to make sure I'm focused on her. Anyway, the test kind of proved this out. The audiologist (Garth Adams - a previous neighbor of ours) told me that I was reading his lips. I didn't agree with this, but just thought I was focusing on what he was saying. He finally put in the earplugs and put me in the room. There was a test on various words and I would repeat what I heard the computer say. He also tested tones. Then he tested what my brain was hearing (with the assumption I had a brain). Also, he found out what was uncomfortable for me to listen too as well as what was comfortable. After all of this, I was brought back out. My hearing seems just fine. I have a hard time with the sound that comes from 'th' and other soft sounds, but other than that my hearing is just fine. He diagnosed me with "Selective Hearing". Oh boy, now what? My wife took that pretty well. However, he told me that despite my hearing being fine I seem to like a louder voice (75 db). This doesn't make a lot of sense to him, and he said that is different from most people. He told us that I may have had better hearing than most in my earlier life, and now since I am more normal, I still like the louder sounds. My wife took the "Selective Hearing" in stride and doesn't seem upset at me. Whew!

Since we were in Walmart, we did some shopping for fun (didn't spend too much), and then went out to eat at Gandolf's. We picked up our inspection papers from the city and then went home.

When the kids came home, we got my son over to Lances house so he could go to the Winter Camp up at Tracy. I stayed there for awhile and then came on home. Brandon is going which made me a bit nervous for the leaders that were going to be up there. I guess all went well as far as that goes though. My daughter went to stay with her friend, leaving my wife and I home alone again (naturally)... Oh wait, that's an old song. We watched a movie and just enjoyed our time alone together.

Saturday morning, my daughter called us and asked if she could go ice skating. We told her that was fine, and my son finally came home around 1:30. He had a lot of fun at the scout camp, and nobody really got into any real trouble, although they were boys. They stayed out late going down the tubing hill (about 1:30) which is against the rules there, but some of the staff were out with them. He got some good use out of a plastic sled that we have, and that was good to get some use out of it.

My wife and I went out to Walmart to get some items for dinner, and while we were there, they announced that they had the roasted chicken(s) for $1.00. We got two of those and decided that was our dinner for the evening. Really, not too much else happened.

Today came and went. My wife and I went to the marriage class (it is the first one again) and thoroughly enjoyed that. Later, I finally talked to my daughter on the phone (it has been a few weeks). Of course, she needs some money to help her out with books for school, so I guess I'll be putting a couple of bucks there. I need to get that sent out to her. Well, that's the week in a nutshell.

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