Sunday, December 17, 2006

Let it Snow! Not!

Not much happened at work last Friday to write about. Friday evening, I took my daughter over to Hollywood Video to pick up a couple of videos for a sleep over that she was having that night. She was happy to get Pirates of the Caribbean (the second movie) for watching.

Melina came over after a bit, and they started to create some ornaments. They didn't really appreciate my singing of Christmas Carols while they were doing this. They also made some cookies and a few other things at the same time. Finally they settled down to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. My wife and I really didn't care for the second one too much, so we left the kids in the family room (including my son) and we went into our room to watch some other silly show on TV. We came out periodically, and Melina is a really jumpy girl. Pretty easy to scare. We finally got them in bed later that night (actually, they didn't stay up all that late anyway.

Saturday morning came, and there was a little bit of snow on the ground. I went out to shovel the walks (at least the part where we drive), and my daughter was getting ready to go to decorate the Christmas tree at my sisters grave. Melina had gone home, and my son had to help out Tanner with his Eagle Project on this morning. We got to my parents house a little late, and they were gone. So, we headed on over to the grave site. They had just arrived and were just starting the decorating of the tree. It was cold, but people seemed to enjoy being there among family. Of course there were the donuts and chocolate milk over at my parents house later. The donuts weren't very good. I was able to bring one home for my son (although he didn't need it because he got one for helping Tanner with his Eagle Project).

We didn't do a whole lot on Saturday. It was one of those lazy days.

This morning came along, and I knew I was in trouble when my wife looked out the window and said, "Oh how beautiful". I groaned inwardly. I knew that meant some shoveling. We went to our meetings and then, when I got home, I went out to start shoveling about 10 inches of snow. I got the part of our driveway done as well as the sidewalk, in time for the Home Teachers to come over. They left about the time I had to get my son over to BYC (Bishop Youth Council). When my son came home, we went out to do the other half of the driveway. My son asked how come we were working on Sunday and shoveling the walks. Today is supposed to be a day of rest. I just looked at him and told him that it didn't seem that God had rested today, so I guess we aren't either. He just said, "Oh!". I also shoveled another 1/2 inch off the driveway at around 9:00 tonight.


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