Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Forgotten Carols

Tonight, as a family, we went to Cottonwood High School to see "The Forgotten Carols" by Michael McClean. Of course we had to drag my daughter away from her homework in order to do so. I think she is still a bit upset at us for that. My son also wasn't too happy about going because he doesn't want to see something where they do a bunch of singing and such.

Overall, it was good, but my wife was a bit upset because Michael McClean cannot sing and he sang some of the songs including her favorite, I Was Not His Father, He Was Mine. Rather than singing it he talks the songs, so it isn't so good. The feelings were good there, and I think even my son enjoyed some of the humor.

This was the 15th anniversary of this play, so there were a couple of songs at the end of the play, and I enjoyed the one, although I thought the other was sub-par. Anyway, just thought I would mention it.

When we got home, my daughter had to finish her homework. She was making a mobile, and it took her all the way to 11:00 tonight. That wasn't good. She needs her sleep, especially since she has to get up early tomorrow.


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