Monday, November 13, 2006

Eagle Project - Happy Factory

Soon after arriving home last Thursday evening, we headed out to "The Happy Factory". This is a place that my wife had gone too with the Young Women, and thought it would make a great Eagle Scout Service Project for my son. He still has three merit badges to get (Personal Fitness, Personal Finance, and Communications) but he can get this out of the way. On the merit badges, he has worked on each of them and has done the time on the two. He could get his Eagle quickly if he would just try.

Anyway, we met with a guy at "The Happy Factory" and set up a date to come and do the Eagle Project on December 14th. He has to put out two hundred cars with the people he brings in to be successful in this project. They are hoping for about 25-35 people to do this in a few hours.

We went out to dinner at Wendys. Unfortunately, Wendys did not have chili ready when we got there, which threw out what my wife wanted to eat. She couldn't think of anything else for awhile, but finally came up with one of the sandwiches which they gave to us for nothing since they did not have the chili ready for her.

When we arrived home, we sent our son into the office to start typing his project up on the computer. I helped him out a little bit on it. He then went and called up Brother Wood (his scout master) and set up an appointment to see him on Saturday Morning. It is good to get my son to actually do something like this.

I was off from work on Friday, and my wife and I went to a concert (during school) that my son had. It was a Veterans Day celebration that was being done by the school. There was a speaker there who is in the military and lost his son in the war in Iraq. It was a very touching concert with the band, orchestra, and choir all participating. One of my scouts did the flag ceremony, and it was done well. After the concert, my wife and I went out to lunch at Cafe Rio, and then went to Roberts to get a couple of things. My daughter slept over at her Melinas house.

Saturday morning, we got up and ready and then went to Brother Woods house so my son could get his signature on the Eagle Project. He was told that he is close to lettering in the Venture Scouts and that he is also close to getting the Denali award. All of this is good. Now, we just had to get an appointment with Brother Taylor. I knew that this would be a harder appointment.

In the evening on Saturday, my daughter and Melina made us a spaghetti dinner. We then went out to pick up some things at Roberts (again) for them to be able to make some ornaments for Christmas.

Sunday, came along, and of course church. There really isn't anything for me to tell about going to church this week. After church we went to get my son set apart as the Teachers quorum president. His two counselors were also set apart, but Tanner (the secretary) forgot to show up for this. We then headed over to Brother Taylors home for another signature. He was classic Brother Taylor and was hard on my son. Not too hard, just hard. I could see that my son was quite stressed out and didn't know what he was being asked. Knowing that this may be causing a migraine, I tried to help my son understand the questions. I was told by Brother Taylor to sit back. He didn't want me doing that at all. I did sit back, and my son did get a migraine. We were sent home without the signature because my son had to write it out better. I completely agree with that decision. We were told to come back that night. The project is good, but it needs to be planned better.

My son layed down for a bit to try to get a handle on his migraine. He got up after a couple of hours to get written out what he needs for this project. I helped him with his wording. He also made up a calendar of events that needs to take place for the project. After that was all done he told us he still had his migraine and he went to his room to get away from any light. We don't know if he actually had a migraine or if he was avoiding going to the fireside on this night.

The fireside tonight, for the youth, was on Patriarchal blessings. One of the sisters in our ward has a grandfather who is a Patriarch and had him come. He is also one of the workers at the Happy Factory. I speculated to my wife that her grandfather was probably younger than our fathers are. During his talk he mentioned that he was born in 1931, so I was right. He is 5 years younger than both of our fathers. Anyway, we learned a bit about what Patriarchs do (and I came to some new understanding of what my father does) in their calling. There was questions and answers. It was a spiritual meeting. My daughter enjoyed it immensely and there were some things said that I wish my son would've been there for. There's not much we can do about that now.

After I got home, I grabbed my son and we went back to Brother Taylors house. This one went a lot better, and my son was better prepared. He then told us that we needed to get a religious leaders signature as well as the District signature. He had my son call both Brother Russell as well as Brother Dehaun for that. Brother Russell was home, but Brother Dehaun wasn't. We got to Brother Russell and got his signature.

There wasn't too much going on today at work. I was told of some immediate things I needed to get into the data warehouse, and then that got put on hold. Of course at the end of the day, I was told that I needed to get it all in place. I hustled to do that.

In the meantime, my wife got a call from Brother Dehauns daughter telling her that he would be out of town this entire week. We tried to call Brother Taylor all evening so we could find the next person in the District that can sign this Eagle Project. There was no luck. Of course, I couldn't get my son to call Brother Petit to see who else to call either because for some reason, he really doesn't like Brother Petit too much.

We watched a movie tonight, and that was it.


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