Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Little Missionaries

I am finally getting the details of what I need at work to be able to start working against what I have been doing for quite awhile. It has taken quite a long time to get this information, but at least it's here, and I need to try to get it all in before Thanksgiving. If I can do that, maybe we can stop the nonsense that is going on with all the other stuff.

Soon after arriving home, I had to get the kids over to piano lessons. While I was driving over there my son was telling us about the YM/YW combined activity tonight. He told us that the full time missionaries were coming to the church to teach them how to teach, then we were breaking into groups and going to a few members homes to do the teaching. I told my kids of one experience on my mission where I was teaching an ex-communicated member the discussions so he could be rebaptized. This man and his wife had had the missionaries living with them for awhile so pretty well knew the discussions. That was the only time I slipped up and called the man Mr. Brown. They laughed about this, and through my embarrassment, I also laughed. Of course my kids thought this was funny once my daughter understood that it wasn't his name.

While my kids were at piano lessons, I went to Target with the one problem with the tree we bought from there. The top set of lights didn't work on it, and when we bought it, it was their last one. They told me that they had other ones in now, and I could just change the top out. I told them that my wife had already decorated the tree, and didn't want to take it down to take care of this problem, and that I had temporarily fixed it. What they did was give me three new strands of 100 lights each. They also told me to call in about two weeks before Christmas and if they had the tree still at that time that they would give me the top to one of the trees. My wife doesn't think they will have the trees in stock. I will wait and see.

I picked up my kids, and my wife was gone over to the church by the time I arrived home. I took the kids over about 45 minutes later. My wife and I changed keys, since she wasn't staying for the combined activity (and I needed the SUV to carry more people). As I mentioned, the missionaries gave us a lesson on how to teach somebody the first discussion. Of course, it has changed since the day I did it, and is completely free form rather than a memorized discussion. There were a couple of role plays and then we were ready to go out. My son came over to me, after he got his assignment. He told me that he was going to teach Mr. Brown. That's the one that I was going to be driving too. The assignments came by marking the hands of the kids with different colors of markers. I joked that the reds were browns (not that good of a joke, so you don't need to laugh).

Each person in the group was to pick one of the six principles in the first discussion and talk about that. We only had five, so one had to do two of them. Tanner volunteered to do that. We headed out, and went to the Browns home. Nobody came to the door. I borrowed Tanners cell phone and gave them a call. There was no answer on the phone (we even heard it ringing in there). I told them that this was a good experience, as this really happens when you are out there. What did they want to do now. Tanner said he could call his mom and see if they could teach her. She was more than happy to oblige. The discussion went well, and the young men and women did well.

We arrived back at the church, and then I had to get to key scouters meeting. What to do with the kids after mutual came up. I mentioned the problem that I had a couple of weeks ago with three boys, and one of the ladies there said that I should go to each of their parents. Of course, I'm not going to do that. She was pretty huffy about it all. I just had to let it go.

One other thing that irritated me was that Brother Petit took credit for helping to get my son on track for his eagle project. We had been after him to do so, and nothing ever was done. We will probably be going tomorrow night to see about one possible Eagle Project. I had talked to Brother Petit about this on Sunday. Anyway, I can't let the small stuff get to me, and once again, just let it go.

After key scouters I was in the hall when a police officer came over to the church. He was there because somebody had called 911 from the church phone. It looks like it was a prank of one of the kids. Probably the reason that we are going to not allow kids to be around in the church building if no adult leaders are there. That one pisses me off. To call 911 as a prank is something that is absolutely and completely wrong. If I find out who did that one, I will take appropriate measures to make sure it will not happen again. As it is, I think we need to talk to the youth about not dialing 911 unless there is an emergency. I think I will bring it up next week in Young Men/ Young Women.


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