Tuesday, November 07, 2006


On my way into work this morning, I heard that there were already people in line to vote. The polls don't open until 7:00, and I am into my office by 6:00. I couldn't believe that people would be at the voting locations so early. I don't know why somebody would want to stand around for an hour to avoid a long line. Oh well, I am not going to go that early.

There really isn't too much going on at work now that I am over my emergency stuff. When it rains it pours, but then there is the time when there really isn't much to do.

At work, they were giving us flu shots. I absolutely hate shots, but my wife thinks I should get this one, especially since it is free through my place of employment. I went down and got the shot. The needle was small, and the actual shot didn't hurt, but I felt a little bit of pain a little bit later.

I took off from work at lunch time to go vote. I had a bit of a difficult time getting to my voting location. I did finally find it. It was in the Daybreak community center. They have the elementary school attached to the community center. I don't really like the way they have done that, but then, it isn't my call, and my kids never had to go to school there.

Voting, for me went smoothly. I got in there, got my card, went to a machine, and voted. There were a lot of empty machines, and there was absolutely no waiting. I liked the new touch screens and being able to vote electronically. One of the problems that a few people had was that in Utah there is a political party named Personal Choice. This political party was down on the bottom of the list, with their icon which is a happy face. Some people thought that they wanted to go through and choose their personal choice, and in so doing voted a straight ticket. It was correctable, but it threw a few people.

Another problem that they had was in Utah County, the voting machines were down. They were turning people away, rather than giving them the Provisional Ballot. That would've made me mad. I have taken the time to come and vote, and they are telling me to come back? What's up with that? They did get things working, but it is disturbing that they didn't prepare better for a problem.

Since I was close to home, I decided to stop in. My wife was decorating the tree. She had been at it all morning long. I grabbed something to eat, and left to get back to work. Still, not much going on at work.

On my way home, I decided to go in and pick up a trimmer for my goatee. That's something I haven't had, even when I had a full beard. Hopefully, this will make the keeping up of this thing manageable. My wife wasn't home when I arrived home. She came in soon after though, and made us some shepherds pie. I love that stuff.

As she looked at the fully decorated tree, she didn't like the way the ribbons were coming down. It didn't flow, was what she said. She and I took off all the ornaments, and then the ribbon so she could start all over again. Man alive, what a perfectionist. I thought it looked great the way it was. She only got on the ribbon tonight, and will probably start to put the ornaments on it again tomorrow. We also had to get the room somewhat in order because Connie and Maddie were coming over for a hair cut.


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