Sunday, November 05, 2006


If I were paid for overtime, I would've made a lot of money over this weekend. Instead, it was just one huge pain in the rear. Oh well, it's just the way things go sometimes.

Since I last wrote there hasn't been a whole lot of things going on, but I have been rather busy. Friday, I had a seminar that I was supposed to go to. Thank goodness it was at my place of employment, because I was able to keep up on the problems that were going on. Not only did we have issues with the policy levels table (things that were completely redone that I had to bring into the data warehouse), but a lot more than normal amount of policies came into being. Normally, I have between 3000 - 5000 policy renewals to deal with. On both Friday as well as Saturday, there was over 150,000. This caused some major hiccups in the system. Jobs were dying because resources were not available, and I had to work with all of that. During the seminar, I kept on checking up on my jobs. They were not even close to done when I left work (these are jobs that are normally done by 4:30 AM on a regular basis).

When I arrived home Friday evening, I logged onto work immediately. Things were still running, and the thought was that at least I could finish some of this stuff on Saturday. I did have to shut it all down around 11:00 PM, so new stuff could come in. Little did I know that there would be over 150,000 policy renewals again. Basically, when I woke up Saturday, I found that some more jobs had died and I had to get them all fixed as well. So, not only did I not get Fridays stuff done on Saturday, but I didn't finish out Saturdays stuff. I was stuck watching the computer all day on Saturday. In the meantime I had family things going on around me. Kids wanting to go for a late night as well as sleepovers. This got them out of my wife's hair as well as mine. My wife did have to drop off and pick up the kids though. My wife was able to go out with her friend for part of this night to do some shopping at the crap ... er, I mean craft store. She lost one of her favorite earrings of course, and so this was disturbing to her. Of course, Saturday, my daughter came home for awhile with her friend, but thank goodness that her friends dad took them around to places like the library. I had my own issues. Also, in the morning, my wife called Tony (her friend) to see if the earring was in her car. It ended up that it was, although we still need to figure out how come that earring was found in the backseat of the car.

I did watch a four hour DVD with my wife called Triangle. It was a pretty good show, but I had to stop it about every 20 minutes to make sure that everything was OK with my work. That was a bit frustrating, especially when I had to take a few extra minutes to clean things up and try to get things restarted. Anyway, it was a frustrating day on Saturday. I was forced to close things down when there were backups on the mainframe and decided that Sunday is another day. I had finished quite a bit up on Saturday but still wasn't through the day.

This morning, I got up around 6:00 to try to start things up again. I guess another backup was happening and I wasn't allowed to do anything. I finally got a call about 8:30 that I could start some things up. This didn't quite work, and I had to wait until 9:00. I got it all kicked off and headed on over to church (just a little bit late). After priesthood meeting, I met up with my wife and told her that the eagle project for my son may not work because two other boys were doing the same thing. This upset her (and I had upset her in the last two days as well) so it wasn't a good thing. In the long run it will all be OK. My son can still do an eagle project based on the "Happy Factory" if he so chooses. We just need to get out there and see what it is that he actually needs. We will do that either Tuesday or Thursday.

Anyway, I came home during Sunday School to make sure things were working appropriately and got back to church in time for Sacrament meeting. My son was asked to go out for fast offerings with the deacons and he did so. I had changed, but got a call asking me if I could go out to do fast offerings. I had to get back into my clothes and go out. I was with Josh. The first house was his house and he said that he had to knock on the door because that was part of the requirement of going out to collect fast offerings. His dad thought he was nuts, but there is nothing new to that. The next house was out vacuuming up her leaves. She told us that she was not a member. It was an obvious lie, but she does not want to be approached again. We also ended up going to my dads cousins house for fast offerings. He invited us in and wanted to chit chat for a bit. He asked me if I could live the United Order. We had that conversation while his daughter was getting fast offerings from them. We did finally get out of there and over to the church.

Of course, arriving home, I still had my work to do. I continued to keep up with what was going on and fixing jobs and rerunning. Finally, around 6:00 tonight, I finished up with Saturdays work (remember this stuff should've been done Saturday morning). I now had to see how much of Fridays stuff I could catch up on. This was running until about 10:15 tonight when I knew that there was no way I would be able to finish up (I didn't believe I could anyway). I killed my jobs and set the system back up so we could run Monday mornings stuff. Now, we need to see if that is going to finish OK or not.

Anyway, it's been a long weekend, and it may be OK to go into work on Monday. There will be a lot to do, and I am going to have to see if I can start up Fridays jobs bright and early Monday morning. I'm tired, and frustrated, and going to bed.


Blogger Unknown said...

You need a work laptop with a wireless connection to your home network, so you can check up on your work stuff from the comforts of your couch.....

That is what I do :)

8:36 AM  
Blogger Craig's Blog said...

Yeah, I should get something like that. On the other hand, I may not get as much work done (or it would drive my wife nuts). Anyway, I am just glad that work allows me to work from home when I need too.

9:39 AM  

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