Monday, December 04, 2006

The Happy Factory vs Christmas Shopping

Last Thursday not a lot happened at work. We are getting a bit more discouraged with Doug and his work. We don't quite know what to do about it because politics are in the way. We have already pushed it further than we should have, and now it is going to take somebody else (this may happen).

I left work a few minutes early today so I could get over and help Justin with his Eagle project at the Happy Factory. We all got there, and there was a little bit of pizza for all. I was full from my lunch at the Macaroni Grill so I didn't eat any of it (I did have some root beer though). People were placed in various places around the Happy Factory. I got placed on one of the two routers. I kind of enjoyed my time there, and routed a whole bunch of cars. It really doesn't matter how many I routed out, what matters for the Eagle project is how many of the cars got completed. In the long run, we had 263 cars that were completed. There were also a bunch of cars that still need to be painted with the mineral oil. It is a good project and these cars go for a good cause. I told Brother Whitney that I probably would not be able to make it to his sons Eagle Project because it is on my fathers birthday. Well, that was a good night.

On Friday, after work, I went out to look at a couple of things for my daughter and son. I finally picked out an MP3 player for my daughter that is a 4 gig player. I still don't trust the Ipods with their hard disks. I have heard of failures on those and with the moving parts, they are more likely to fail than is a flash drive. I also made sure to get her one that you can have removable memory, and it will also hold pictures if she chooses to put them in. For my son, I ended up getting a portable DVD player. I don't know what is the best out there or anything, but went with a Magnavox because at least it is a name I recognize, but I did purchase a two year warranty on it (I never know if this is the thing to do - I just did it). It took me a good portion of the night to decide what was best for each of the kids for the money that we planned on spending.

My daughter was sleeping over with a friend that is in my mother-in-laws neighborhood, so we took our son and went out to dinner. We were heading to Chuck-a-rama, but ended up going to Mimis instead. It was a good meal.

Saturday morning we decided we had better go out and get a new washing machine. My wife had been telling me of noises that were coming out of the one that we currently have, and I heard part of those noises on Friday evening. I told her that it probably wasn't worth fixing because when we're done we would still have an old washing machine. It has been a good one, but we would probably be better off just getting a new one. We went to RC Willey and purchased a GE that has a bigger tub. We didn't go with a front loader because I still think those are overpriced. As it is, we spent quite a bit anyway. Since we had spent over $500, we were also able to get a Harley F150 remote control truck for my son at $30. We gave that to my mother-in-law to give to our son. Of course, he already knows what it is. My wife told him that he would probably have to fight with me to play with it.

While at RC Willie, we saw Mogie (who I work with). We were getting the free hot dogs and drinks and his soccer team was the one that was handing them out for RC Willey. My wife had left to pick up our daughter, and left my son and I there. We ended up waiting for her with a bucket of soap (for the washing machine) as well as the truck (which was pretty big). Oh well, that's the way it goes.

We spent a lot of the afternoon over at the in-laws. Pam came over when we were ready to leave, so we stayed even longer. We got home in time for dinner, and went to Jalepenos for dinner. They messed up on our order so I had to go back and they gave me a free combo along with the dinner. It was a good dinner.

Sunday came along, and with it church. Nothing out of the ordinary really happened there. We did talk (during Sunday School) about scouting and Eagle projects. The ward doesn't want to approve too many of these happy factory things because they want the boys to think a little bit as to who they want to help. I don't understand that completely, but that's OK. It's not up to me. After arriving home, I got a call from the executive secretary to set up a time for me to go to tithing settlement. We went back to the church at 3:50, among grumbling from my family about having to dress back up in their church clothes.

Tonight, my wife did the hair of her cousin, and I had to go return a sweater shaver she had bought that day that broke. I also went and got my son some headphones while I was out. My wife had done a lot of Christmas shopping during the day today, and I really appreciate that. I end up thinking too much at each item I buy and it takes me longer to do this kind of shopping.


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