Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Eagle Projects

There's not too much going on. I have been coming into work, and then going home. Of course there are some politics going on at work now. The project that I was working on, I was taken off of briefly and now put back on it since I am almost done. We have a guy at my work who is learning the Riskmaster system, so we know exactly what is going on, and we are going to make it difficult for this other team to be successful. It's all stuff they should be doing that we were fixing anyway, but now, all that help goes away, and they must get it all to us correctly. I will no longer fix their stuff. That should make it interesting (if it's existent).

Tuesday, I got my son to call Brother Petit to find out who to talk to about his Eagle project. After a few hours, he was finally given the information that he needed. He called that guy and was told to come over on Thursday. My kids went back into my sons room and watched RV, and we just sat out in the family room watching such shows as "House". I don't know what it is, but I love that show. My wife also had a hair appointment cancel.

After arriving home today, like most Wednesdays, I took the kids to Piano lessons. After picking them back up, we headed to Apollo Burger to get their Junior Cheeseburgers (we find that is really about all we need rather than the mega meal crap they are all trying to feed us). We barely made it home in time to eat and get to Young Men/Young Women. My son went to his leaders house and watched "Johnny Lingo". My daughter and wife were in doing some kind of craft thing and making a huge mess. For Scouts, we had Matt Potts getting ready for his Eagle Project. We made posters for the blood drive being done at his church (I think it is a Lutheran church but can't remember). The thing is, though, the blood drive and a lot of the work that has to be done at that time by the Scouts will have to be split. His drive date is December 7th, and that is the date that another of our Scouts is doing his at the Happy Factory (yes, the same one my son is doing). There will be three weeks in a row that the Happy Factory will be benefiting from the scouts of our troop (beginning on November 30 to December 14th when my son does his). It seems that when people latch onto these things, they really latch on.


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