Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Odds and Ends

Nothing much happened on Saturday. My wife had to go to Sams Club to pick up a few things. We shopped for some goodies for the girls at Young Women for their Young Women in Excellence this Wednesday night. We also got a bunch of stuff that we felt we needed. Of course, you never come out of that place without having spent a fortune, and this was the case with us.

We got home from that, and found that everybody at my in-laws house was going to go to Aunt Gladys' house. This didn't sit well with my wife because we really weren't invited. Our kids would go there, but it looks like we wouldn't. We stayed home and cleaned up because they would be dropping our kids off after all of this, and Steve had not seen our place in awhile.

Finally, our kids got home. They only stayed for a minute and then left. I decided to watch a DVD. It was Mr. And Mrs. Smith. I knew they had watched it over at my in-laws and asked if it had the 'F' word in it. My son informed me that it did (one time). We don't really like our children hearing that so readily, but what can you do. My son recognized this, and informed us that it was no worse than hearing Steve say it out of the blue. We have wondered if he has some form of Tourettes syndrome. Anyway, that's all water under the bridge.

Sunday came along, and we started to roast a turkey while we went to church. I had to go home for a minute to check on a few things about it, and then went back to church. After arriving home, we were called by the in-laws to invite us over for a roast beef dinner. We said that we would be there when the turkey finished cooking. It did finish, and we put it in the garage (covered of course) so we could go over. Looking back, my wife wishes she would've put a thermometer in the Turkey to make sure it was done. It was a little bit pink.

We had a good visit with Steve, and wished him well as he would be on his way back home on Monday. It was good for my wife to have this time with him. My daughter went with Pam and her grandma to a Christmas program that Anne was doing at a community church that Pam and Anne used to go to. It was one of those interfaith groups that included the LDS church. I didn't go, because I had no real desire to go there. We had a discussion on what the word cult means when they arrived home.

Monday, at work, I had a meeting to meet Doug (who came here from Portland). He is the one that we are working with on this project that is on again and off again. In the meeting, I kept on thinking, "What a whiney cry baby!". He had a huge chip on his shoulder that we were having a hard time shaking. He was so bad that two of his bosses got upset with him for being that way. He did improve for today. Now that we have broken the ice, maybe we can start to get things done. He has been afraid to ask us for any help on anything that he has been doing. We have a lot of different alternatives for him, and still don't think he knows a lot about what he is doing. I think we can get things moving in a positive manner now.

Not much happened today. I went to Sams club with my wife again tonight to finish getting some things for the Young Women event tomorrow. Our kids didn't even destroy our house while we were gone.


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